% PPRumbc4.sty -- a style option for the prosper documentclass % idea stolen from a Powerpoint design % % The options colorBG/nocolorBG have not been implemented. % % This style defines the following user-accessible command: % \umbclogo % draw UMBC logo % % Author: % Rouben Rostamian % September 2002 % Revised: January 2003 % Slide dimensions (aspect ratio: 13.6/10.2 = 4/3): % % --- -- +-------+----------------------------------------------+ % ^ ^ | | | % | | | | x <-- (anchor of NewSlideStyle) % | | | | | | % | | | <-|--------------------+--------------------> | % | | | | slide width (opt arg of NewSlideStyle) | % | 8.9 | | | | % | | | | | % 10.2 | | | x-- NewSlideStyle relative to this | % | | | | | % | | | | _____ origin for frames and logo | % | | | | / | % | v | |/ | % | --- +-------X----------------------------------------------+ % | ^ | | | % | 1.3 | | | | % v v | | | % --- -- +-------+----------------------------------------------+ % % |<----->|<-------------------------------------------->| % 1.9 11.7 % % |<---------------------------------------------------->| % 13.6 % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{PPRumbc4}[2002/09/28] \typeout{UMBC style for Prosper -- (c) 2002 Rouben Rostamian, UMBC} \RequirePackage{pstcol} \IfFileExists{pst-grad}{\RequirePackage{pst-grad}}{\RequirePackage{gradient}} %\RequirePackage{avantgar} % Avant Garde Postscript font \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pag} % same as above; works on older systems % colC: used for title, subtitle and slide title % colD: used for one of the decorative color rectangles and 3rd level bullets \definecolor{colC}{rgb}{0.49,0.15,0.80} % purple3 \definecolor{colD}{rgb}{1.00,0.70,0.00} % sort of gold \FontTitle{\Large\color{colC}}{\Large\black} \FontSubtitle{\large\sl\color{colC}}{\large\sl\black} \FontText{\black}{\black} \ColorFoot{\black} % Slide title position \newcommand{\slidetitle}[1]{\rput[lb](-0.3,4.0){% \parbox{10cm}{\fontTitle{\sl#1}}% }} % Logo default position \LogoPosition{-1.5,-1.08} \input{umbclogo-2003-01} % Define custumized bullets if the tribullet.sty package is available. \IfFileExists{tribullet.sty}{ \RequirePackage{tribullet} \myitem{1}{\raisebox{0.60ex}{\tribullet[1.40ex]{red}}} \myitem{2}{\raisebox{0.55ex}{\tribullet[1.30ex]{blue}}} \myitem{3}{\raisebox{0.50ex}{\tribullet[1.25ex]{colD}}} }{} \newcommand{\UMBCFrame}[1]{% % I don't understand, this, but without this no-op(?) command, % acroread v5 messes up slide colors -- RR \psline(-1.0,7.0)(-1.0,7.0) \psframe[% fillstyle=gradient, gradangle=90, gradbegin=colD, gradend=white,% gradmidpoint=1.0, linestyle=none] (-1.4,7.7)(-0.6,8.3) \psframe[% fillstyle=gradient, gradangle=90, gradbegin=blue, gradend=white, gradmidpoint=1.0, linestyle=none] (-1.2,7.1)(-0.4,7.7) \psframe[% fillstyle=gradient, gradangle=-45, gradbegin=red, gradend=white, gradmidpoint=1.0, linestyle=none] (-1.6,7.3)(-0.8,7.9) \psframe[% fillstyle=gradient, gradangle=90, gradbegin=black, gradend=white, gradmidpoint=1.0, linestyle=none] (-1.5,7.45)(9.0,7.51) \psline(-1.0,7.0)(-1.0,8.5) \PutLogo % required {#1}% } \NewSlideStyle[11cm]{t}{5.2,3.5}{UMBCFrame} %\PDFCroppingBox{0 0 595 842} % A4 dimensions in pts %\PDFCroppingBox{0 0 594 773} % Letter aspect %\PDFCroppingBox{0 0 594 792} % 4/3 aspect, width=letter \PDFCroppingBox{0 0 603 804} % 4/3 aspect -- as above plus add (9,12) % for extra right/top margins \endinput