CTF - 2005
VARNA, June 1-7, 2005

Invited Speakers

The Program Committee of CTF-2005 has invited some of the most outstanding specialists in Approximation Theory to deliver one-hour lectures on a topic in the field of their interest. Two plenary lectures will initiate the morning and the afternoon program of the conference. The confirmed keynote speakers at the present time are:

  1. Carl de Boor (University of Wisconsin)
  2. Charles Chui (University of St. Louis / Stanford University) (http://www.cs.umsl.edu/~chui/)
  3. Boris S. Kashin (Moscow State University, Moscow), Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  4. Sergei V. Konyagin (Moscow State University, Moscow), 1990 Salem Prize winner
  5. Arno Kuijlaars (Catholic University, Leuven), 1998 Vasil A. Popov Prize winner (http://www.wis.kuleuven.ac.be/applied/arno.html)
  6. Geno Nikolov (Sofia University, Sofia)
  7. Vilmos Totik (University of Szeged / University of South Florida), Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (http://www.math.usf.edu/~totik/home.html)
  8. A. G. Vitushkin (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow), Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences