CTF - 2005 |
VARNA, June 1-7, 2005 |
Invited Speakers
The Program Committee of CTF-2005 has invited some of the most outstanding specialists in Approximation Theory to deliver one-hour lectures on a topic in the field of their interest. Two plenary lectures will initiate the morning and the afternoon program of the conference. The confirmed keynote speakers at the present time are:
- Carl de Boor (University of Wisconsin)
- Charles Chui (University of St. Louis / Stanford University) (http://www.cs.umsl.edu/~chui/)
- Boris S. Kashin (Moscow State University, Moscow), Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Sergei V. Konyagin (Moscow State University, Moscow), 1990 Salem Prize winner
- Arno Kuijlaars (Catholic University, Leuven), 1998 Vasil A. Popov Prize winner (http://www.wis.kuleuven.ac.be/applied/arno.html)
- Geno Nikolov (Sofia University, Sofia)
- Vilmos Totik (University of Szeged / University of South Florida), Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (http://www.math.usf.edu/~totik/home.html)
- A. G. Vitushkin (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow), Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences