My main interests are in non-abelian Hodge theory, opers and geometry of moduli of Higgs bundles.
I am also interested in various deformation-theoretic techniques
that arise in this context.
The following is a mixture of: 1) Topics that I actively think about 2) Broad interests 3) Ever-expanding wish list:
· Moduli of Higgs bundles, the Hitchin system. NAHT and opers.
· Special Kähler geometry, mostly on the Hitchin base.
· Deformation theory, DGLA's and L-infinity algebras; derived AG
· The interplay between NAHT, mirror symmetry, geometric Langlands and S-duality
· Holomorphic Poisson geometry and its relation to non-commutative geometry
· Generalised Kähler geometry and non-commutative instantons
· Springer theory
· Special geometries, Hermitian geometry.
Papers and preprints:
· Lectures on Higgs moduli and abelianisation,
J. Geom. Phys., vol. 118, 2017, pp.94--125,
arXiv.AG 1609.00646
· Meromorphic Higgs bundles and related geometries, J. Geom. Phys., vol. 109, 2016,
pp. 44-67,
also arXiv.AG 1602.03672
Donagi-Markman cubic for the generalised Hitchin system, with
Ugo Bruzzo, Int. J. Math., vol. 25 (2), 2014, also
arXiv.AG 1308.6788
· On the L-infinity description of the Hitchin map,
Rend. Ist. Mat. Univ. Trieste, vol.46 (2014), p.1-17, also arXiv.AG 1007.5309.
· arXiv.AG 1111.6457 I described holomorphic Darboux coordinates in a neighbourhood of the uniformising
G-Higgs bundle
· Harmonic spinors of the Dirac operator of connection with torsion in dimension four with Stefan Ivanov,
Class. Quant. Grav., vol. 18 (2), 2001
· PhD thesis: Higgs bundles and Opers at UPenn with Tony Pantev
· MS thesis: Eigenvalue estimates for Dirac operators of connections with Torsion with Stefan Ivanov