Veselin G. Filev, R.C. Rashkov,
"Critical point in a holographic defect field theory",
JHEP 1911, (2019) 027
arXiv:1905.06472 [hep-th]
Yuhma Asano, Veselin G. Filev, Samuel Kováčik, Denjoe O'Connor,
"The non-perturbative phase diagram of the BMN matrix model",
JHEP 1807, (2018) 152,
arXiv:1805.05314 [hep-th].
Y. Asano, V. G. Filev, S. Kováčik and D. O'Connor,
"A Computer Test of Holographic Flavour Dynamics II,",
JHEP 1803, (2018) 055 ,
arXiv:1612.09281 [hep-th].
Veselin G. Filev, Denjoe O'Connor,
"Quantised relativistic membranes and non-perturbative checks of gauge/gravity duality",
J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 965 (2018) no.1, 012015,
arXiv:1710.02565 [hep-th].
Yuhma Asano, Veselin G. Filev, Samuel Kováčik, Denjoe O'Connor,
"Precision Test of Holographic Flavourdynamics",
Springer Proc.Math.Stat. 255 (2017) 173-179
Y. Asano, V. G. Filev, S. Kováčik, and D. O'Connor,
"The Flavoured BFSS Model at High Temperature,"
JHEP 1701, 113 (2017),
arXiv:1605.05597 [hep-th].
D. O'Connor and V. G. Filev,
"Membrane Matrix models and non-perturbative checks of gauge/gravity duality,"
PoS CORFU 2015 (2016),
arXiv:1605.01611 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev and D. O'Connor, "A Computer Test of Holographic Flavour Dynamics,"
JHEP 1605, 122 (2016),
arXiv:1512.02536 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev and D. O'Connor, "The BFSS model on the lattice,"
JHEP 1605, 167 (2016),
arXiv: 1506.01366 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev and D. O'Connor, "Commuting Quantum Matrix Models",
JHEP 1503, 024 (2015),
arXiv:1408.1388 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev and D. Zoakos, "Multiple Backreacted Flavour Branes,"
JHEP 1412, 186 (2014),
arXiv:1410.2879 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev, "A Quantum Critical Point from Flavours on a Compact Space,"
JHEP 1408, 105 (2014),
arXiv:1406.5498 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev, M. Ihl and D. Zoakos, "Holographic Bilayer/Monolayer Phase Transitions,"
JHEP 1407, 043 (2014),
arXiv:1404.3159 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev and D. O'Connor, "On the Phase Structure of Commuting Matrix Models,"
JHEP 1408, 003 (2014),
arXiv:1402.2476 [hep-th].
D. Arnaudov, V. Filev and R. Rashkov, "Flavours in global Klebanov-Witten background,"
JHEP 1403, 023 (2014),
arXiv:1312.7224 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev, M. Ihl and D. Zoakos, "A Novel (2+1)-Dimensional Model of Chiral Symmetry Breaking,"
JHEP 1312, 072 (2013),
arXiv:1310.1222 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev and D. O'Connor, "Multi-matrix models at general coupling,"
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46, 475403 (2013),
arXiv:1304.7723 [hep-th].
G. Itsios, V. G. Filev and D. Zoakos, "Backreacted flavor in non-commutative gauge theories,"
JHEP 1306, 092 (2013),
arXiv:1304.5211 [hep-th].
D. O'Connor and V. G. Filev, "Near commuting multi-matrix models,"
JHEP 1304, 144 (2013),
arXiv:1212.4818 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev and M. Ihl, "Flavoured Large N Gauge Theory on a Compact Space with an External Magnetic Field,"
JHEP 1301, 130 (2013),
arXiv:1211.1164 [hep-th].
M. Ammon, V. G. Filev, J. Tarrio and D. Zoakos, "D3/D7 Quark-Gluon Plasma with Magnetically Induced Anisotropy,"
JHEP 1209, 039 (2012),
arXiv:1207.1047 [hep-th].
J. Erdmenger, V. G. Filev and D. Zoakos, "Magnetic Catalysis with Massive Dynamical Flavours,"
JHEP 1208, (2012) 004,,
arXiv:1112.4807 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev and D. Zoakos, "Towards Unquenched Holographic Magnetic Catalysis,"
JHEP 1108, 022 (2011),
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J. Erdmenger and V. G. Filev, "Mesons from global Anti-de Sitter space,"
JHEP 1101, 119 (2011),
arXiv:1012.0496 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev and R. C. Raskov, "Magnetic Catalysis of Chiral Symmetry Breaking. A Holographic Prospective,"
Adv. High Energy Phys. 2010 (2010) 473206,
arXiv:1010.0444 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev, "Hot Defect Superconformal Field Theory in an External Magnetic Field,"
JHEP 0911:123,2009,
arXiv:0910.0554 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev, C. V. Johnson and J. P. Shock, "Universal Holographic Chiral Dynamics in an External Magnetic Field,"
JHEP 0908:013,2009,
arXiv:0903.5345 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev and C. V. Johnson, "Universality in the Large N Dynamics of Flavour: Thermal Vs. Quantum Induced Phase Transitions,"
JHEP 0810:058,2008,
arXiv:0805.1950 [hep-th].
T. Albash, V. G. Filev, C. V. Johnson and A. Kundu, "Quarks in an External Electric Field in Finite Temperature Large N Gauge Theory,"
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T. Albash, V. G. Filev, C. V. Johnson and A. Kundu, "Finite Temperature Large N Gauge Theory with Quarks in an External Magnetic Field,"
arXiv:0709.1547 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev, "Criticality, Scaling and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in External Magnetic Field,"
arXiv:0706.3811 [hep-th].
V. G. Filev, C. V. Johnson, R. C. Rashkov and K. S. Viswanathan, "Flavoured large N gauge theory in an external magnetic field,"
T. Albash, V. G. Filev, C. V. Johnson and A. Kundu," Global Currents, Phase Transitions, and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Large Nc Gauge Theory,"
JHEP 0812:033,2008,
T. Albash, V. G. Filev, C. V. Johnson and A. Kundu, "A topology-changing phase transition and the dynamics of flavour,"
V. G. Filev and C. V. Johnson, "Operators with large quantum numbers, spinning strings, and giant gravitons,"
Phys. Rev. D 71, 106007 (2005),
H. Dimov, V. G. Filev, R. C. Rashkov and K. S. Viswanathan, "Semiclassical quantization of rotating strings in Pilch-Warner geometry,"
Phys. Rev. D 68, 066010 (2003),