Algebraic Methods in Quantum Field Theory
in the frame of the International Conference "Mathematics Days in Sofia"
July 7-10, 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Vladimir Dobrev, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Bulgaria
The final program can be seen here.
About the mini-symposium
The mini-symposium is designed to serve the community of mathematicians, mathematical physicists and theoretical physicists, working on mathematical structures that may be applied to Quantum Field Theory and/or building models for physical systems based on algebraic methods. The algebraic methods are meant in their widest sense, i.e., representation theory, algebraic geometry, infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and groups, superalgebras and supergroups, quantum groups, noncommutative geometry, number theory, symmetries of linear and nonlinear PDE, special functions.
Invited Speaker:
Speakers at the Mini-symposium may submit their papers besides the two journals Serdica Mathematical Journal and Serdica Journal of Computing, announced at the conference web-page, also to Bulgarian Journal of Physics, Papers should be prepared as explained on the web-page of BJP and sent to the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Nicholay Tonchev before August 31, 2014.