Approximation Theory and Special Functions - 2nd series
in the frame of the International Conference "Mathematics Days in Sofia"
July 7-10, 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
The final program can be seen here.
About the mini-symposium
This special session intends to bring together researchers
from all areas of approximation theory and special functions.
The highlighted topics (but not limited to) are:
Approximation theory: |
- Classical Approximation
- Korovkin-type Approximation
- Statistical approximation
- Interpolation
- Fuzzy Approximation
- Summability, Time Scales
- Constructive Approximation
Special Functions: |
- Orthogonal Polynomials
- Generating Functions
- Matrix-valued
- q-Analysis
- Fractional analysis
- General Orthogonal Systems
- Fourier Analysis
- Rabia Aktaş, Ankara University, Turkey
- İsmail Aslan, TOBB Economics and Technology University, Turkey
- Ülkü Dinlemez, Gazi University, Turkey
- Oktay Duman, TOBB Economics and Technology University, Turkey
- Esra Erkus-Duman, Gazi University, Turkey
- Nisa Küçük, TOBB Economics and Technology University, Turkey
- Ali Olgun, Kırıkkale University, Turkey
- Müzeyyen Özhavzalı, Kırıkkale University, Turkey
- Nejla Özmen, Duzce University, Turkey
- Heinz-Joachim Rack, Dr. Rack Consulting GmbH, Germany
- Recep Şahin, Kırıkkale University, Turkey
- Gülen Başcanbaz Tunca, Ankara University, Turkey
- Ceylan Turan, TOBB Economics and Technology University, Turkey
- Gümrah Uysal, Karabuk University, Turkey
- İsmet Yüksel, Gazi University, Turkey