7th Minisymposium "Transform Methods and Special Functions" (TMSF '14)
in frames of the International Conference "Mathematics Days in Sofia" (MDS 2014)
July 7-10, 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Website: http://www.math.bas.bg/~tmsf/2014/
The final program can be seen here.
About the mini-symposium TMSF'14
In frames of thе MDS-2014 conference, we organize a minisymposium
"Transform Methods and Special Functions" (TMSF),
on occasion of 80th anniversary of Professor Ivan Dimovski.
This will be the 7th in the series of the international meetings TMSF organized periodically in Bulgaria: 1994 (Sofia), 1996 (Varna), 1999 (Blagoevgrad), 2003 (Borovets), 2010 (Sofia), 2011 (Sofia); see details at http://www.math.bas.bg/~tmsf.
Traditional topics of the TMSF meetings:
Invited Speakers:
International Steering Committee:
Blagovest Sendov (Bulgaria), Bogoljub Stankovic (Serbia), Shyam L. Kalla (India), Hari M. Srivastava (Canada), Peter Rusev (Bulgaria), Hans-Juergen Glaeske (Germany), Yury Luchko (Germany), Stevan Pilipovic (Serbia), Krystyna Skornik (Poland), Andrzej Kaminski (Poland), Arpad Takaci (Serbia)
Organizing Committee:
Virginia Kiryakova (Chair), Georgi Dimkov, Jordanka Paneva-Konovska, Sava Grozdev, Emilia Bazhlekova, Rumian Lazov, Valentin Hristov, Nikolaj Bozhinov, Yulian Tsankov, Margarita Spiridonova - Bulgaria; Djurdjica Takaci (Serbia), Svetlana Mincheva-Kaminska (Poland)
Common Info:
Preliminary list of participants and talks’ abstracts: see at http://www.math.bas.bg/~tmsf/2014/
Registration fees: for all participants in the conference MDS-2014, these are EUR 80 (or equivalently 160 BGN). See details at http://www.math.bas.bg/mds2014/MDS2014_fees_frame.htm
Publications: Selected papers presented at this TMSF symposium will be considered for publication in “Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis” (FCAA) and other suitable international mathematical journals. Preparation in LaTeX is obligatory. For "FCAA" (Springer-Versita journal, Scopus and SCI indexed), the papers should be closely related to the FCAA topics, see details at: http://www.math.bas.bg/~fcaa, http://link.springer.com/journal/13540
For contacts on all issues related TMSF’ 14:
Prof. Virginia Kiryakova,
e-mail: tmsf@math.bas.bg , or virginia@diogenes.bg ,
Fax: 00359-2-9478608
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
"Acad. G. Bontchev" Str., Block 8, Sofia 1113 - Bulgaria