Fifteenth International Workshop on
Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory
June 18 (Saturday) - 24 (Friday), 2016
Organized by:
- Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Linear codes
- LDPC codes
- Self-dual codes
- Algebraic-geometric codes
- Decoding
- Combinatorial codes
- Covering problems
- Spherical codes and designs
- Cryptography
- Computer systems in coding theory
- Network coding
- Related topics
Organizing Committee:
- L. Bassalygo, (Moscow, Co-Chairman)
- P. Boyvalenkov, (Sofia, Co-Chairman)
- Ts. Baicheva, (V. Tarnovo)
- A. Frolov, (Moscow)
- E. Kolev, (Sofia)
- E. Velikova, (Sofia)
- A. Yurov, (Kaliningrad)
- V. Zyablov, (Moscow)
Programme Committee:
- G. Kabatiansky, (Moscow, Co-Chairman)
- I. Landjev, (Sofia, Co-Chairman)
- I. Bouyukliev, (V. Tarnovo)
- S. Bouyuklieva, (V. Tarnovo)
- F. Solov'eva, (Novosibirsk)
- S. Topalova, (V. Tarnovo)
- A. Zaytsev, (Kaliningrad)
- V. Zinoviev, (Moscow)
Registration Fee:
- EURO 200/250 until/after May 17, 2016 -- includes workshop proceedings, conference materials, social events (welcome reception, an excursion, official dinner);
- EURO 100 for PhD students and spouses
Authors are invited to submit camera ready papers in Latex (at most six pages) by e-mail to Peter Boyvalenkov. Here are the template and the style file.
Deadline for submitions
April 15, 2016