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Seventh International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications August 20 - 24, 2010, Borovets, Bulgaria |
Scientific committeeA. Andreev (BG), E. Atanassov (BG), R. Blaheta (CZ), |T. Boyadjiev| (BG), J. Buša (SK), R. Ciegis (LT), P. D'Ambra (IT), I. Dimov (BG), S. Dimova (BG) - SIAM representative, I. Farago (HU), M. Feistauer (CZ), S. Fidanova (BG), K. Georgiev (BG), A. Goolin (RU), S. Gocheva-Ilieva (BG), J. Guermond (USA), R. Herbin (FR), O. Iliev (DE), B. Jovanovic (RS), S. Korotov (FI), J. Kraus (AT), N. Krejic (RS), R. Lazarov (US) - SIAM representative, I. Lirkov (BG), S. Margenov (BG), P. Marinov (BG), S. Markov (BG), P. Matus (BY), P. Minev (CA), M. Nedjalkov (BG), J. Pedroso (PT), K. Penev (UK), B. Popov (US), S. Radev (BG), P. Ribeiro (PT), K. Sabelfeld (RU), J. Schoeberl (DE), S. Selberherr (AT), Bl. Sendov (BG), Khr. Semerdzhiev (BG), S. Slavchev (BG), M. Todorov (BG), V. Thomee (SE), P. Vabishchevich (RU), I. Yotov (US), L. Zikatanov (US).Organizing committeeChairperson: N. Kolkovska
I. Bazhlekov, T. Chernogorova, I. Christov, M. Dimova, I. Georgiev, S. Stoilova, D. Vasileva
ContactsNM&A'10, c/o Assoc. Prof. Natalia KolkovskaInstitute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS "Acad. G. Bonchev" St., Bl. 8 1113 Sofia, BULGARIA
Fax: +359 2 971 36 49 (please indicate: for the conference NM&A'10)