лого на проекта

Барометър на достъпността
Дигитална достъпност за хора със специални потребности:
методология, концептуални модели и иновативни екосистеми

Cognitive Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems for Pedagogical Rehabilitation: Towards a "STEAM" Approach to Inclusive Education


Maya Dimitrova, Aleksandar Krastev, Tsvete Yaneva, Elena-Blagoeva Hasarbassanova

Публикувано в

STEMedu-2021, Science Series - Innovative STEM Education, Volume 3, 2021


    The paper presents the main ideas, motivating two ongoing research projects, justifying the need to move to STEAM education. The proposed novel type of cyber-physical systems - for pedagogical rehabilitation in inclusive education - is outlined. The role of puppet theatre in maximising the learning outcomes in inclusive education is substantiated. It has been also shown that integrating game, puppet theatre and social robotics is beneficiary in the classroom. Social robots have a significant potential for transition of the cognitive analysis of the behaviour of humans and robots from the physical to the social level. This is the core of the proposed in the paper approach for the STEAM education of the future.

Ключови думи

Cognitive Analysis; Pedagogical Rehabilitation; Cyber-Physical Systems; STEM; STEAM; Inclusive Education; Puppet Theatre; Social Robotics


    Изследването е частично финансирано от проект CybSPEED на ЕК № 777720, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 (2017-2022), проект “Дигитална достъпност за хора със специални потребности: методология, концептуални модели и иновативни екосистеми” на ФНИ № КП-06-Н42/4 (2020-2023) и проект: Център за компетентност "Интелигентни мехатронни, eко- и енергоспестяващи системи и технологии" № BG05M2OP001-1.002-0023, ОП “Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж” (2014-2020).




Цитирай като

Dimitrova, M., Krastev, A., Yaneva, T., Hasarbassanova, E. (2021). Cognitive Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems for Pedagogical Rehabilitation: Towards a "STEAM" Approach to Inclusive Education, Science Series "Innovative STEM Education", volume 03, ISSN: 2683-1333, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 57-63, DOI: https://doi.org/10.55630/STEM.2021.0307

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