лого на проекта

Барометър на достъпността
Дигитална достъпност за хора със специални потребности:
методология, концептуални модели и иновативни екосистеми

Physical and Digital Accessibility of Museums in Bulgaria: Problems and Innovative Technologies


Vesela Georgieva, Galina Bogdanova, Mirena Todorova-Ekmekci

Публикувано в

MIS4TEL 2023: Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Workshops - 13th International Conference, 2023


    The present article relates to the topic of physical and digital accessibility in the context of museums in Bulgaria, as well as the presentation of innovative digital technologies for accessibility to cultural heritage sites and the creation of a conceptual model of a digital passport for access and accessibility of museums in Bulgaria in terms of people with special needs. The paper shows research and certification of the accessibility of museums in Bulgaria for people with disabilities and impaired vision. The text covers the following: the Bulgarian museum context; the application of innovative technologies in museums and different examples; problems and possible solutions to the physical and digital accessibility of museums in Bulgaria; innovations for physical and digital accessibility of museums in Bulgaria, review of good practices for accessibility certification, development of a conceptual passport model for museum accessibility, using a comprised, adapted methodology.

Ключови думи

Physical and digital accessibility; Passportization; Cultural heritage; Museums; Innovative digital technologies; Disabilities; Blind




Цитирай като

Georgieva, V., Bogdanova, G., Todorova-Ekmekci, M. (2023). Physical and Digital Accessibility of Museums in Bulgaria: Problems and Innovative Technologies. In: Kubincová, Z., Caruso, F., Kim, Te., Ivanova, M., Lancia, L., Pellegrino, M.A. (eds) Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Workshops - 13th International Conference. MIS4TEL 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 769. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42134-1_19

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