Branislav Antonić, Tatjana Simonović, Zorica Čolović Subotić
стр. 11 - 21
Заглавие: Planning Micro-Routes in Cultural Tourism: Monastery Route in Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, Serbia
Автори: Branislav Antonić, Tatjana Simonović, Zorica Čolović Subotić

Абстракт: The last few years have completely changed Serbian tourism. The COVID-19 Pandemics, closed borders as its consequence and the general rise of standard have redirected Serbian population from once-in-year seaside travel to multiple short travels in Serbia. This new impulse in tourism has opened many opportunities for more remoted regions in the country with preserved heritage. One such region in Ovčar-Kablar Gorge in Western Serbia, near the city of Čačak. The magnificent scenery of the gorge is under state protection as a landscape of outstanding features. It is in addition “enriched” by cultural heritage – nine monasteries, two forest churches and one cave-church, developed between the 14th-18th centuries. The concentration of the sacral heritage is so important locally that the gorge is unofficially known as “Serbian Athos”. This paper presents the recent efforts done in the local spatial plan, created by “Gradac” Public Enterprise from Čačak, to address this potential through the development of cultural-tourist micro-route in the gorge.

Ключови думи: Cultural Tourism; Territorial Planning; Cultural Heritage; Tourist Routes; Cultural Landscape; Linear Development.

Получена: 08-08-2024     Приета: 15-11-2024     Публикувана: 30-12-2024

Цитиране: Antonić, B., Simonović, T., Čolović Subotić, Z. (2024). Planning Micro-Routes in Cultural Tourism: Monastery Route in Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, Serbia. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 10(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 11–21. DOI:
Branislav Antonić
стр. 22 - 33
Заглавие: Cultural Heritage as the Basis of Tourism Planning in Depopulating Regions: The Case of The Iron Gates, Serbia
Автори: Branislav Antonić

Абстракт: The Iron Gates on the Danube is the longest gorge in Europe. As such, it is primarily known by its natural beauty and scenery. Its size and special natural conditions have also influenced the creation and preservation of interesting places of cultural heritage and folk tradition and culture. The isolation of the Iron Gates as a difficult-to-access gorge divided between two countries – Romania and Serbia – has hindered the development and promotion of this region for many years, causing further extreme depopulation. However, in the last 15 years, better cooperation between the two countries and growing tourism along the Danube as an international river have increasingly revealed the cultural heritage of the gorge to foreign tourists. Spatial and urban planning in the Serbian part of the Iron Gates have significantly contributed to individual places of cultural heritage becoming destinations within this tourist region. This paper presents the positive and negative experience of planning in order to promote the given cultural heritage in this still depopulated region.

Ключови думи: Cultural Heritage; The Iron Gates; Cultural Tourism; Spatial Planning; Tourist Destination.

Получена: 08-08-2024     Приета: 27-12-2024     Публикувана: 30-12-2024

Цитиране: Antonić, B. (2024). Cultural Heritage as the Basis of Tourism Planning in Depopulating Regions: The Case of The Iron Gates, Serbia. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 10(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 22–33. DOI:
Elka Zlateva
стр. 34 - 50
Заглавие: Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe – an Untapped Opportunity for Presenting Bulgarian Cultural and Historical Heritage
Автори: Elka Zlateva

Абстракт: The Cultural Routes Programme of the Council of Europe, launched in 1987, is a journey through space and time uniting European citizens through cultural diversity and shared values. Its mission is to protect cultural and natural heritage, to promote intercultural dialogue and a common European identity. To date, 48 European cultural routes have been certified, yet Bulgaria's presence on this pan-European cultural map is notably absent. This report explores the country's potential to actively join the Programme and problematizes the need for common and coordinated efforts between state and local authorities in partnership with business and research centres to better integrate, preserve and socialise Bulgaria's tangible and intangible cultural heritage at European level.

Ключови думи: Cultural Tourism; Cultural Routes; Cyril and Methodius.

Получена: 20-08-2024     Приета: 27-12-2024     Публикувана: 30-12-2024

Цитиране: Zlateva, E. (2024). Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe – an Untapped Opportunity for Presenting Bulgarian Cultural and Historical Heritage. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 10(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 34–50. DOI:
Stela Stefanova
стр. 51 - 75
Заглавие: Conceptual Model for Integrated Digital Presentation of Regional Cultural Heritage (Based on the Example of Stara Zagora District)
Автори: Stela Stefanova

Абстракт: Modern information and communication technologies as well as digitization are increasingly important for the research, preservation, presentation, sharing and promotion of cultural heritage. They expand the possibilities for information processing and data exchange, while also providing an opportunity to create a broad platform for knowledge sharing and transfer. In this sense, our goal is to develop a conceptual model for an integrated digital presentation of regional cultural heritage through the creation, organization and sharing of digital resources of sites and elements of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The model is based on the example of the cultural heritage of Stara Zagora district and is a proposal for the presentation of regional cultural heritage in an online environment. It is organized in four blocks: an algorithm for creating digital resources for integrated digital presentation of regional cultural heritage; integrated digital presentation of regional cultural heritage; accompanying information block and management. They cover the processes of creating the digital resources, organizing the digital presentation through digital products on an online platform, creating a space for users and management. Digital resources and products designed for online presentation contribute to the promotion of systematic scientific information on cultural heritage and respond to the need to increase its accessibility, visibility and recognition.

Ключови думи: Integrated Digital Presentation; Digital Resources; Digital Products Cultural Heritage; Stara Zagora District.

Получена: 10-12-2024     Приета: 27-12-2024     Публикувана: 30-12-2024

Цитиране: Stefanova, S. (2024). Conceptual Model for Integrated Digital Presentation of Regional Cultural Heritage (Based on the Example of Stara Zagora District). Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 10(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 51–75. DOI:
Plamena Zayachka
стр. 76 - 87
Заглавие: Institutional and Normative Aspects, Challenges and Perspectives in the Identification and Protection of Cultural Landscapes
Автори: Plamena Zayachka

Абстракт: As a result of the changes in the concept of cultural heritage, whose content, territorial scope, boundaries and social functions are expanding, today places of memory go beyond an individual monument, memorial, ensemble – they include culinary traditions and routes, heritage cities, intangible values and cultural landscapes. This article reviews and analyzes the development of cultural landscapes as part of cultural heritage and traces the affirmation of the concept of cultural landscape in legislative practices and international documents. Emphasis is placed on the case of Bulgaria, the attempts and challenges to identify remarkable Bulgarian cultural landscapes.

Ключови думи: Cultural Landscapes; Cultural Heritage; Protection; UNESCO; Council of Europe; ICOMOS; ICOM.

Получена: 16-08-2024     Приета: 27-12-2024     Публикувана: 30-12-2024

Цитиране: Zayachka, P. (2024). Institutional and Normative Aspects, Challenges and Perspectives in the Identification and Protection of Cultural Landscapes. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 10(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 76–87. DOI:
Dmitrii Rytov
стр. 88 - 97
Заглавие: Representation of Folk Instrumental Culture in Music Education in Russia
Автори: Dmitrii Rytov

Абстракт: The report reveals the main trends in the study and application of folk musical instruments in various educational systems for children in Russia: general education, additional education, secondary specialized musical (professional) education, higher musical education, leisure and amateur music making. A critical analysis of the strong and weak drivers influencing the further development and popularization of playing folk instruments is carried out. The differences in the tasks set and solved at different levels of musical education using folk instruments are demonstrated. The characteristics of legislative support for the national policy on the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, the foundations of cultural policy, as well as the interaction of laws with the tasks of preserving folk musical culture, including folk instrumental culture, are given. The existing and promising potentials of using folk instruments in Russian education are presented.

Ключови думи: Cultural Policy; Spiritual and Moral Values; Folk Musical Instruments; Musical Education.

Получена: 15-08-2024     Приета: 30-12-2024     Публикувана: 30-12-2024

Цитиране: Rytov, D. (2024). Representation of Folk Instrumental Culture in Music Education in Russia. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 10(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 88–97. DOI:
Grinevich Anna
стр. 98 - 107
Заглавие: Using Phylogenetic Analysis for Tale Type Identification (Ob Ugric Narratives)
Автори: Grinevich Anna

Абстракт: The study aims to identify the fairy tale types associated with Imi Khily, an important figure in Ob Ugric folklore. This tale character is associated with a deity from the highest pantheon of the Khanty people, which researchers link to Iranian influence on Ob Ugric mythology. We examined 21 texts in the Khanty language, including both myths and fary tales. By applying phylogenetic analysis and the principle of maximum parsimony to a corpus of texts, four primary tale types were identified within the narrative cycle studied: Myth of the Celestial Hunt, Tereshechka, The Hero Wins a Bride, and Death of the Father Avenged. Subsequent analysis revealed that these four narrative types can be divided into two main branches: religious and fairy tales, with narratives dealing with the theme of defeating giants being classified under the ancestral evolutionary lines of the fairy tale branch.

Ключови думи: Ob Ugric Folklore; Khanty Language; Phylogeny; Maximum Parsimony; Tale Type.

Получена: 15-08-2024     Приета: 30-12-2024     Публикувана: 30-12-2024

Цитиране: Grinevich, A. (2024). Using Phylogenetic Analysis for Tale Type Identification (Ob Ugric Narratives). Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 10(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 98–107. DOI:
Diana Radoynova, Goran Stefanov
стр. 108 - 120
Заглавие: Another Nestinarian Holiday or More about the Concept of Authentic Folklore
Автори: Diana Radoynova, Goran Stefanov

Абстракт: The text poses questions and tends to avoid unequivocal answers regarding: the phenomenon of nestinarstvo, considered an emblematic Bulgarian rite the differences between Nestinarian performance and Nestinarian rite; the hyperbolization, profanation and expropriation of firework by certain settlement and institutional communities; the denigration of the relationship between firework and tourism and the attempts to return it from the attraction to its authentic sacred form; the emergence of counter-profane fire-making in the village of Vizitsa in Strandzha by changing the authentic place and time of the rite.

Ключови думи: Authenticity; Performance; Ritual; The Tourism-Sacred Opposition; Ritual Innovations.

Получена: 19-08-2024     Приета: 20-12-2024     Публикувана: 30-12-2024

Цитиране: Radoynova, D., Stefanov, G. (2024). Another Nestinarian Holiday or More about the Concept of Authentic Folklore. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 10(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 108–120. DOI:
Antoaneta Petrova
стр. 121 - 133
Заглавие: Digitalization and Aspects of Applicability of Smart Technologies Aiming Promotion of the Thracian Rock Sanctuary Tatul
Автори: Antoaneta Petrova

Абстракт: The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the potential applications of smart technologies and intelligent solutions for the digitization of the Tatul Sanctuary, alongside an assessment of the resources necessary for their implementation. This evaluation will serve as a foundational basis for the development of a future management plan for the sanctuary complex. To achieve this objective, the paper outlines guidelines for the creation of a 3D model of the sanctuary, the integration of an augmented reality (AR) experience, the development of a virtual reality (VR) model, and the installation of interactive displays and touchscreens. Additionally, recommendations are provided to guide decision-making regarding the appropriateness and feasibility of implementing laser scanning technologies. In the context of promoting cultural heritage, and specifically the Thracian Rock Sanctuary Tatul, smart technologies facilitate digital visualization of the site, along with the presentation of its historical narrative through audio and video recordings. Digitalization further enables the recreation of the sanctuary's past, allowing visitors to experience an immersive representation of its historical ambiance. This approach offers tourists a unique opportunity to engage with the sanctuary in a way that bridges the gap between the present and the past. The proposed best practices offer a framework for promoting the Thracian Rock Sanctuary Tatul as a premier tourist destination, enhancing its appeal through innovative digital experiences that add value for visitors.

Ключови думи: Smart Technologies; Digitalization; AR Experience; Virtual Reality; Laser Scanning.

Получена: 15-08-2024     Приета: 20-12-2024     Публикувана: 30-12-2024

Цитиране: Petrova, A. (2024). Digitalization and Aspects of Applicability of Smart Technologies Aiming Promotion of the Thracian Rock Sanctuary Tatul. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 10(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 121–133. DOI:
Sebiha Madanska, Sheban Bilyanov
стр. 134 - 144
Заглавие: Ontology for Alternative Tourism in Devin Municipality
Автори: Sebiha Madanska, Sheban Bilyanov

Абстракт: The report presents ontologically tourist sites on the territory of Devin Municipality, including services. Semantic modelling is used in a variety of industries, but we focus on the objects of alternative tourism in a tourist municipality. And an ontology like this could serve to create or optimize а tourism application.

Ключови думи: Alternative Tourism; Ontology; Semantic Modelling.

Получена: 16-08-2024     Приета: 23-12-2024     Публикувана: 30-12-2024

Цитиране: Madanska, S., Bilyanov, S. (2024). Ontology for Alternative Tourism in Devin Municipality. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 10(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 134–144. DOI: