Olena Kozakevych
pp. 11 - 23
Title: Ethnolocal Features of Traditional Shirts "Sorochkas" in Transcarpathian Hutsul Region of the End XIX — Early XXI Centuries: Openwork Décor
Authors: Olena Kozakevych
Abstract: In the paper local features of traditional shirts "sorochkas" in sets of clothes in Transcarpathian Hutsul region of the end XIX — early XXI centuries are discussed. Openwork items` universal and unique parameters in the context of Hutsul folk clothing in time dimension slice are defined. Special attention is focused to décor, namely lace. Technique and technological methods of manufacturing textile decorations, ways of forming their artistic and stylistic features, local versions of ornaments are studied. Defined that the folk clothing and their décor in north territories (Yasinia, Chorna Tysa, Lazenshchyna, Kvasy, Bilyn) has general characteristics with the clothing of Galician Hutsul region (Voronenko, Vorokhta, Yablunytsia). Shirts` openwork decor in this territory were fragmented: connecting stitches by embroidery or knitting techniques were made. And on the contrary, the clothes of the southern part of the Rakhiv region are more similar to the Slovak and Romanian clothing for the structural elements and décor. Ornaments of this territory mainly consists of phytomorphic motifs (inflorescences, buds, twigs, leaves). Thus, the combination of embroidery, lace, textures and structural details created a unique for the ethnographic Hutsul region, but a widespread and typical for the Ukrainian-Romanian borderland the décor type of traditional female shirts "sorochkas".
Keywords: Openwork; Décor; Tradition; Typology; Local Features; Shirts; Adornment; Manufacturing Techniques; Technological Ornament; Artistic Characteristics.
Received: 05-04-2021
Accepted: 25-11-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Kozakevych, O. (2021). Ethnolocal Features of Traditional Shirts "Sorochkas" in Transcarpathian Hutsul Region of the End XIX — Early XXI Centuries: Openwork Décor. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 11–23. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_001
Dimitar Ivanov Dobrevski, Russana Goleva
pp. 24 - 31
Title: Challenges in Preserving the Orthodox Traditions in Bulgarian Icon Painting
Authors: Dimitar Ivanov Dobrevski, Russana Goleva
Abstract: Bulgarian iconography is centuries old and, as its peoples, has both suffered and triumphed from the heavy hand that destiny has dealt them. It is an important element of our national, historical and cultural heritage. Today, the number of fortuitous circumstances notwithstanding, the Bulgarian iconography is facing multitude of challenges, including the danger of the loss of its tradition. This report raises the core present-day issues iconographs and restorers face, issues related to the limits of the orthodox tradition.
Keywords: Orthodox Iconography; Traditional Technique; Modern Tendencies
Received: 05-04-2021
Accepted: 25-11-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Dobrevski, D., Goleva, R. (2021). Challenges in Preserving the Orthodox Traditions in Bulgarian Icon Painting. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 24–31. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_002
Elena Sereva
pp. 32 - 50
Title: Plastic Decoration of Holy Doors from the Fund of the National Church Historical and Archaeological Museum of the Holy Synod – Elements and Symbolism
Authors: Elena Sereva
Abstract: The proposed article examines the plastic decoration of the Holy doors from the fund of NCHAM of Holy Synod. The Holy doors are a completely complete separate element, but they also carry their semantic load as a part of a larger unified whole, such as the church iconostasis. The article focuses on questions related to the characteristic and symbolism of the plastic decoration of the Holy doors, the characteristic stylistic features and features of the era, the masters and individual schools. In the course of the exhibition, brief attention is paid and their use and importance of the worship services is presented. Parallels are mentioned and described, as they complete and further reveal the issues. Samples from the Fund of the National Church Historical and Archaeological Museum of the Holy Synod which are represented, are the subject of a comprehensive, independent study. I express my gratitude to the National Scientific Program "Young Scientists and Postdoctoral Scholars" 2020 of the Ministry of Education and Science for the financing of the scientific project at the Theological Faculty of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" on the topic: "Holy doors the fund of the National Church Historical and Archaeological Museum of the Holy Synod (Liturgical function, iconography, plastic decoration. Contributions to national identity)", with a scientific leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. deacon Ivan Ivanov. Thank you to the Director of the Nacional church historical and archaeological museum of the Holy Sinod Assoc. Prof. Dr.Ivan Rashkov and his team for attention.
Keywords: Holy Doors; Plastic Decoration
Received: 06-04-2021
Accepted: 28-10-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Sereva, E. (2021). Plastic Decoration of Holy Doors from the Fund of the National Church Historical and Archaeological Museum of the Holy Synod – Elements and Symbolism. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 32–50. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_003
Stefka Kancheva
pp. 51 - 60
Title: Old Testament Readings for the Feast Meeting of the Lord: A Hermeneutical Key for the Old Testament’s Exegesis in the Orthodox Church
Authors: Stefka Kancheva
Abstract: The paper traces the main accents in the worship of the feast Meeting of the Lord towards the exegesis of the Old Testament and consider it as the "hermeneutical key" for understanding, accepting, and interpreting the Old Testament in the Orthodox Church. The Lawgiver who obeys the Law, the sacrifice’s theme and the antithesis light/darkness are the main ideas in the worship and its exegesis of the Scripture.
Keywords: Lowgiver; Low; Light; Darkness.
Received: 14-04-2021
Accepted: 26-06-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Kancheva, S. (2021). Old Testament Readings for the Feast Meeting of the Lord: A Hermeneutical Key for the Old Testament’s Exegesis in the Orthodox Church. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 51–60. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_004
Stanimir Stoyanov, Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva, Todorka Glushkova
pp. 61 - 70
Title: Virtual-Physical Space "Bulgarian Cultural and Historical Heritage"
Authors: Stanimir Stoyanov, Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva, Todorka Glushkova
Abstract: The article presents a virtual physical space for storage and presentation of digitized Bulgarian cultural, historical and similar sites. The space is realized with the help of integrated technology, including means of artificial intelligence, enhanced with modern technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things) and CPSS (Cyber-Physical-Social System). The advantages of space compared to the usual approaches for developing this type of systems are discussed. The objects digitized in accordance with the CCO standard (Cataloging Cultural Objects) are stored in a distributed knowledge base, implemented mainly as ontologies. The space provides users with a personal travel guide who is able to understand and fulfill their wishes and preferences.
Keywords: Virtual-Physical Space (ViPS); Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO).
Received: 31-03-2021
Accepted: 22-06-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Stoyanov, S., Stoyanova-Doycheva, A., Glushkova, T. (2021). Virtual-Physical Space "Bulgarian Cultural and Historical Heritage". Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 61–70. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_005
Kristian Milev, Georgi Kostadinov, Stefan Staynov, Asya Stoyanova–Doycheva
pp. 71 - 81
Title: Intelligent Tourist Guide – Generating Ambient-Oriented Routes and Digital Classification of Elements of the Cultural and Historical Heritage of Bulgaria
Authors: Kristian Milev, Georgi Kostadinov, Stefan Staynov, Asya Stoyanova–Doycheva
Abstract: One of the areas of application of digital mobile assistants is intelligent transport and tourist guides. Such personalised systems aim to facilitate the increasingly difficult choice of the most appropriate transport option regarding personal preferences and habits, current location and available options in real time. To implement a smart travel guide, it is necessary to develop personalised models that include not only static information about routes and destinations, but also to take into account the personal preferences of the user and dynamically respond to unplanned real world circumstances. In the field of intelligent systems, such variable physical characteristics in time and space (so-called ambient characteristics) have a significant role in the degree of usefulness for the end user. The personal assistant is an integral part of the user experience that helps tourists immerse themselves in the rich history and cultural heritage of Bulgaria. Modern technologies in the field of artificial intelligence allow the tourist to get acquainted with the traditions and folk customs, receiving detailed information about the surrounding objects such as folk costumes, architectural monuments and others.
Keywords: Personal Assistants; Ontologies; Ambient-oriented Modeling; Tourist Guide; Tourist Routes Generation; Image Classification; Machine Learning; Traditional Bulgarian Costumes.
Received: 02-04-2021
Accepted: 21-10-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Milev, K., Kostadinov, G., Staynov, S., Stoyanova–Doycheva, A. (2021). Intelligent Tourist Guide – Generating Ambient-Oriented Routes and Digital Classification of Elements of the Cultural and Historical Heritage of Bulgaria. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 71–81. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_006
Nevena Moraliyska, Todorka Glushkova, Mariya Grancharova-Hristova
pp. 82 - 93
Title: Processing and Presentation of Knowledge about the Cultural-Historical and Natural Heritage of Bulgaria in an Intelligent Tourist Guide
Authors: Nevena Moraliyska, Todorka Glushkova, Mariya Grancharova-Hristova
Abstract: The report presents a reengineering approach to expand the knowledge base of the intelligent Tourist Guide developed in the DeLC laboratory of Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" with information about the Bulgarian cultural, historical and natural sites stored in existing non-standardized databases. The Tourist Guide is created as a multi-agent environment based on the reference architecture of the Virtual Physical Space (ViPS). The knowledge base in ViPS is based on a network of ontologies - OntoNet. In order to use the existing databases, it is necessary to create a common database based on the CCO standard (Cataloging Cultural Objects) for the presentation of cultural and historical sites of UNESCO.
Keywords: Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO); Virtual Physical Space (ViPS); Tourist Guide.
Received: 30-03-2021
Accepted: 22-06-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Moraliyska, N., Glushkova, T., Grancharova-Hristova, M. (2021). Processing and Presentation of Knowledge about the Cultural-Historical and Natural Heritage of Bulgaria in an Intelligent Tourist Guide. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 82–93. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_007
Sebiha Madanska, Stanimir Stoyanov, Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva
pp. 94 - 106
Title: Digitalization of Bulgarian Residential Architecture in and around the Bulgarian Revival Period – Typological Groups and Houses
Authors: Sebiha Madanska, Stanimir Stoyanov, Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva
Abstract: The article presents the Bulgarian Revival architecture in the context of Informatics, and in particular of the Artificial Intelligence. Ontological engineering is dealing with the semantic modeling of real-world concepts and the relations between them under the influence of semantic axioms and machine-readable judgments. Ontologies that are described in the article were developed to be included in the repository with multiple ontologies for Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage.
Keywords: Оntology; Semantic Мodelling; Protégé; Revival Аrchitecture; Intelligent Tourist Guide.
Received: 30-03-2021
Accepted: 22-06-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Madanska, S., Stoyanov, S., Stoyanova-Doycheva, A. (2021). Digitalization of Bulgarian Residential Architecture in and around the Bulgarian Revival Period – Typological Groups and Houses. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 94–106. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_008
Tsvetomira Ivanova
pp. 107 - 114
Title: Ontology of Bulgarian Folklore
Authors: Tsvetomira Ivanova
Abstract: The article presents an ontology describing Bulgarian musical folklore as part of the cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria. The ontology has been developed together with a number of ontologies that are based on the CCO (Cataloging Cultural Objects) standard. The set of ontologies is a knowledge base, used by intelligent agents.
Keywords: Bulgarian Musical Folklore; Ontologies; Cataloging Cultural Objects Standard (CCO), Knowledge Data Base
Received: 02-04-2021
Accepted: 25-11-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Ivanova, Ts. (2021). Ontology of Bulgarian Folklore. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 107–114. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_009
Mariya Grancharova-Hristova, Nevena Moralijska, Sebiha Madanska
pp. 115 - 128
Title: Development of an Ontology in the Field of the Humanities
Authors: Mariya Grancharova-Hristova, Nevena Moralijska, Sebiha Madanska
Abstract: The preservation and dissemination of knowledge about cultural, historical, and natural sites in Bulgaria is extremely important. In this regard, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Plovdiv University is developing a project related to the implementation of an intelligent tourist guide, which, according to the tourist’s criteria, generates virtual or real tourist routes. The article will present part of the knowledge base of the tourist guide, namely an ontology that describes the richness of Bulgarian literature. The structure of the ontology, the basic axioms, and dependencies between the basic concepts, as well as the identities of the individual concepts in the ontology are presented.
Keywords: Ontology; Bulgarian Literature; Intelligent Tourist Guide
Received: 31-03-2021
Accepted: 26-10-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Grancharova-Hristova, M., Moralijska, N., Madanska, S. (2021). Development of an Ontology in the Field of the Humanities. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 115–128. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_010
Pavel Hristov
pp. 129 - 134
Title: Development of FairDeal Platform
Authors: Pavel Hristov
Abstract: FairDeal's digital marketing platform for artisan products is already online and awaiting craftsmen from Bulgaria and Romania. Any manufacturer of souvenirs, handicrafts, jewelry, culinary and other craft products can register and use the digital network for free at "https://fairdeal.bg". The information system of digital shops was created under the project of Veliko Tarnovo Municipality and partners from Bulgaria and Romania. The platform is accessible to all interested parties and provides a direct link between manufacturers, craftsmen and customers.
Keywords: Software; Platform; FairDeal; Commerce; Craft; Online Store
Received: 18-01-2021
Accepted: 01-10-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Hristov, P. (2021). Development of FairDeal Platform. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 129–134. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_011
Petyo Krastev
pp. 135 - 144
Title: Ethnomusicological Field Research and Archiving
Authors: Petyo Krastev
Abstract: The text examines the approaches to ethnomusicological field research, according to the methods of documenting and archiving empirical materials. The peculiarities of recording folklore samples are the result of preliminary specialized music-theoretical training. The main help in this regard are the technologies for sound recording, video recording and their development. In the modern ethnomusicological field (from the middle of the XX century until today) the technical means and the opportunities they provide are of decisive importance for the methods and the formation of research points of view.
Keywords: Ethnomusicological Terrain; Archiving; Sound Recording; Video Recording.
Received: 05-04-2021
Accepted: 25-11-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Krastev, P. (2021). Ethnomusicological Field Research and Archiving. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 135–144. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_012
Galina Lukanova
pp. 145 - 150
Title: Preservation and Promotion of the Cultural-Historical Heritage and the Settlement Culture (Following the Example of the Town of Kableshkovo, Burgas District, Bulgaria)
Authors: Galina Lukanova
Abstract: The town of Kableshkovo, Bourgas district is located in southeastern Bulgaria, within the municipality of Pomorie and near the town of Nessebar. Many migrants from Aegean Macedonia and Thrace, as well as from Erkech (today's Kozichino) live in Kableshkovo. Nearby is the prehistoric settlement and necropolis "Kozareva Mogila", and as the birthplace of the partisan poet Atanas Manchev, Kableshkovo is known for its anti-fascist activities and privileged attitude of the rulers during the socialist period. The report examines the practices established in the town of Kableshkovo, Burgas region for the preservation of cultural and historical heritage and settlement culture.
Keywords: Cultural-Historical Heritage; Settlement Culture
Received: 05-04-2021
Accepted: 28-10-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Lukanova, G. (2021). Preservation and Promotion of the Cultural-Historical Heritage and the Settlement Culture (Following the Example of the Town of Kableshkovo, Burgas District, Bulgaria). Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 145–150. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_013
Miroslava Taskova
pp. 151 - 163
Title: Digital and Printed Teaching Aids of Kyustendil Regional History Museum Programmes for Children
Authors: Miroslava Taskova
Abstract: It is presented teaching aids in digital and printed form used in non-formal educational programmes of the Regional History Museum, the town of Kyustendil, developed during the implementation of two projects in 2019 and 2020 with the financial support of Ministry of Culture in Bulgaria. They enrich the Museum’s workshops for children, monthly conducted since February 2015, informatively. These are twelve five-minute video presentations and thirteen interactive notebooks of four pages each, A4 paper format, illustrating and bearing information about the thematic fields of the workshops. The training aids aim at presenting to children cultural and historical heritage exhibited in museums in general and in the Kyustendil Museum in particular in a more accessible way – artifacts as a part of culture and art in the past, moments of national history crucial for the historical development of Bulgaria and popular customs preserved in traditional crafts. The topics they present introduce participants with the way of living of people in the past, pass through significant historical events and provide some knowledge about three crafts, which originate from the Stone Age. They are grouped in two programmes – Culture and Art in the Past and History and Traditions. Photoes of about 50 findings from Kyustendil and its region dating from Neolithic till Middle Ages are included in the training aids along with the messages they bear interpreted through the respective story. Photoes visually expressing the historical events and traditional crafts – an object of learning in the programme, are also included.
Keywords: Non-formal Education; Training Aids; Museum Programmes for Children.
Received: 02-04-2021
Accepted: 27-10-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Taskova, M. (2021). Digital and Printed Teaching Aids of Kyustendil Regional History Museum Programmes for Children. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 151–163. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_014
Galina Bogdanova, Liana Galabova
pp. 164 - 171
Title: Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Proving of Accessibility of Balkan Sacred Sites for People with Special Needs (Part 1)
Authors: Galina Bogdanova, Liana Galabova
Abstract: Balkan region is one of the representative territories of cultural heritage of Eastern Orthodox Christian Church. Balkans are also space of creation, inhabitation, visiting, representation, and safeguarding of emblematic sacred sites. Based on experience and our continuous detailed and analytical observation on accessibility in the context of pilgrimage tourism of Balkan countries, this paper assumes variety of data and perspectives on heritage management by interdisciplinary expert communication.
Keywords: Accessibility Studies; Socialisation of Cultural Heritage; Eastern Orthodox Christian Church; Pilgrimage Tourism; Management of Sacred Sites; Accessibility of Religious Places; Objects; Denominational Events and Data.
Received: 30-06-2020
Accepted: 26-08-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Bogdanova, G., Galabova, L. (2021). Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Proving of Accessibility of Balkan Sacred Sites for People with Special Needs (Part 1). Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 164–171. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_015
Vesela Vasileva Georgieva
pp. 172 - 180
Title: Wine in the Traditions of the Thracians: Modern Research and Manifestations
Authors: Vesela Vasileva Georgieva
Abstract: The significance of the topics of the Thracian culture and wine production have been conceived and presented over the years through various forms, such as the numerous events, some of which have established practices and traditions over the years. The centuries-old history of the Thracians and the concentration of the numerous monuments of Thracian culture in Bulgaria give grounds for many cultural institutions to include in their cultural calendars events presenting the rich Thracian cultural heritage and modern scientific achievements. No less important is the fact that the monuments of Thracian culture studied over the years and the discoveries made in them, testify to the elegance and unique material culture of the Thracians, whose models are unparalleled in the world cultural heritage. This in turn creates the need for their preservation, socialization and transmission to future generations. This topic covers the interpretation of the specifics and contribution to the presentation of cultural heritage in the context of the National Scientific Expedition Club UNESCO Scientific Seminar "Thracians and Wine", whose main goals, activities and tasks will be presented in detail in this paper.
Keywords: Thracians; Wine; Cultural Heritage; Scientific Practices; Scientific Seminar
Received: 18-11-2021
Accepted: 26-11-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Georgieva, V. (2021). Wine in the Traditions of the Thracians: Modern Research and Manifestations. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 172–180. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_016
Pavlina Vladeva
pp. 181 - 190
Title: Vasil Levski, Grandmother Dona Milina and the Troyan Revolutionary Activists
Authors: Pavlina Vladeva
Abstract: The object of the study is the activity of Vasil Levski in Troyan, the organization of a committee network, the personality of grandmother Donna Milina - hiding and sheltering person to the Apostle. Тhe setting circomstances have been restored and presented on the basis of documents and memoirs from the establishment of the two revolutionary committees in the town of Troyan and in the "Troyan Monastery of the Assumption". It shows the difficult and full of hardship life of a great patriot. During the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878), grandmother Dona Milina treated wounded Russian soldiers in her house.
Keywords: Vasil Levski; Apostle; Grandmother Dona Milina; Shelter Town of Troyan; Master Weaver; Famous Herbalist; Folk Healer; Revolutionary Committee; Church; Monastery.
Received: 06-04-2021
Accepted: 28-10-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Vladeva, P. (2021). Vasil Levski, Grandmother Dona Milina and the Troyan Revolutionary Activists. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 181–190. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_017
Boyan Blazhev
pp. 191 - 207
Title: Visual Arts and Digital Technologies
Authors: Boyan Blazhev
Abstract: With the advent and dissemination of digital technologies, devices and means in the middle of the twentieth century, dramatic changes occurred in all spheres of life. The data reporting environment is changing and the era of new media is approaching. Digital technologies and the global network have a fundamental impact on culture, traditions and art. In this context, in terms of visual art, digital technologies allow for the emergence of new artistic practices that take their place next to classical art activities. Leading the way is the idea that digital technology is not just a tool, but rather a creation process, thus focusing on the concept inspired by the digital context rather than on the means expressed. In modernity, visual art and scientific achievements live in harmony.
Keywords: Digital Art; Art; Virtual Reality (VR); Technological Innovations; Net Art; Artificial Intelligence (AI); New Media Art
Received: 02-04-2021
Accepted: 27-10-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Blazhev, B. (2021). Visual Arts and Digital Technologies. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 191–207. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_018
Mariyan Petrov
pp. 208 - 236
Title: Word Creation in Computer-Mediated Communication. Occasionalisms (False-Names) and Neologisms (Study based on examples on the social network "Facebook")
Authors: Mariyan Petrov
Abstract: The report examines the emergence, structuring and spread of occasionalisms (false names) in computer-mediated communication and their transformation into neologisms. When, how, and under what conditions do nonce words turn into neologisms?
Keywords: Occasionalisms; False-Names; Neologisms; Computer-Mediated Communication
Received: 29-03-2021
Accepted: 26-08-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Petrov, M. (2021). Word Creation in Computer-Mediated Communication. Occasionalisms (False-Names) and Neologisms (Study based on examples on the social network "Facebook"). Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 208–236. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_019
Anna Angelova
pp. 237 - 244
Title: Phytonymic Lexics and Its Reflection in the Linguistic Picture of the World (Based on the Russian and Bulgarian Languages)
Authors: Anna Angelova
Abstract: This report dwells on the study of the names of the medicinal herbaceous plant cow parsnip (hogweed), related to the thematic group "Medicinal herbaceous plants of the Composite Family (Compositae)". It considers the origin of the nominations and determines the productive methods of formation, as well as the principles of nomination of the plant reality being analyzed in the system of the two languages (Russian and Bulgarian).
Keywords: World’s Linguistic Picture; Nomination; Phytonym; Russian; Bulgarian
Received: 25-03-2021
Accepted: 25-11-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Angelova, A. (2021). Phytonymic Lexics and Its Reflection in the Linguistic Picture of the World (Based on the Russian and Bulgarian Languages). Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 237–244. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_020
Alexander Gorchev, Dimitar Dimitrov
pp. 245 - 251
Title: Conservation and Restoration of Molybdobulls from the Fund of the Archaeological Museum "Veliki Preslav"
Authors: Alexander Gorchev, Dimitar Dimitrov
Abstract: Archaeological Museum "Veliki Preslav" has over 110 years of history. It was founded as part of the Archaeological Society "Ticha" on October 26, 1906 and lasted in this form until 1949. Then the museum was provided with a large building next to the church monument "St.St. Cyril and Methodius", not far from the Preslav Palace. In 1981, the museum was moved in a new purpose-built building, where it still welcomes history lovers from around the world. At the permanent exhibition you can see epigraphic monuments that testify to the spread of literature, as well as examples of artistic crafts, showing the rise of the Bulgarian state. The most striking examples of this are the Preslav golden treasure and objects of the Preslav white clay pottery. More than 35,000 objects are stored in the museum funds, 1700 of which are presented in the exposition hall. The most significant Preslav samples have been included in dozens of international exhibitions, in hundreds of scientific publications, film and media productions. Today Veliki Preslav has its own archeological museum with a magnificent exposition, visited annually by tens of thousands of Bulgarian and foreign tourists. The museum's collections most fully present the phenomenon of the Golden Age and illustrate the place of Simeon's capital as a leading center of Slavic writing, art and art crafts in Southeast Europe in the ninth and tenth centuries. More than 570 sphragistic monuments are stored in the museum's fund. For most of them there is accurate information about their location, which makes them full sources for Bulgarian history from IX - XI century. In 1978, a team of archaeologists led by Ivanka Akrabova-Zhandova, exploring the area in the southeastern part of the inner city of Preslav, discovered a building with massive foundations and preserved squares of construction, which plan resembles a pagan temple or shrine. As a result of the excavations, which continued in the following years, more than 500 molybdobulls, 250 lead cores and three molds for their casting have been discovered. These findings testify to the administrative nature of the building, in which not only the correspondence was stored, but it was also sent. Therefore, we are talking about an chancellery that served the local Byzantine strategists. Thanks to the seals found there, we found the names of 17 strategists of Preslav in the period 971-1059. The molybdobulls also present the names of persons who wrote to the local strategist. Almost all social groups in the empire are represented - from the emperor himself to the common spatary. In 2019, 50 lead seals were included in the exhibition "At the Gates of the Royal Court. Treasures of Veliki Preslav", which was opened at the Archaeological Museum in Sofia. In 2020, the project "Conservation and restoration of molybdobulls from the Strategy in Great Preslav" was completed. This project was implemented by the Archaeological Museum "Veliki Preslav" in partnership with National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 100 of the most affected molybdobulls have undergone conservation and restoration. Restoration activities are a necessary step that must be carried out before the digitalization of the sphragistic fund.
Keywords: Conservation; Restoration; Molybdulls.
Received: 02-04-2021
Accepted: 30-11-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Gorchev, A., Dimitrov, D. (2021). Conservation and Restoration of Molybdobulls from the Fund of the Archaeological Museum "Veliki Preslav". Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 245–251. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_021
Evgeni Koev
pp. 252 - 258
Title: The Newly Discovered Monk Rock Cell Located between the Monk Rock Complexes "The Archangel" and "Krashtelnyata", which are Part of the Ivanovo Rock-Hewn Monasteries (a New View on the Structure and Range of the Great Monastery "St Archangel Michael" at the Ivanovo Village)
Authors: Evgeni Koev
Abstract: In another terrain research for the examination of the region around the Ivanovo Rock-hewn monasteries, conducted at the end of 2020 and at the beginning of 2021, well-shaped rock-hewn caves and rock niches with a different designation were discovered, which have now been known so far. Among the newly discovered objects, one relatively big rock niche, having different rock-hewn elements adjacent to it, stood out. Those elements complemented the monk dwelling with respect to space and designation. The general layout, the new construction elements enrich the concept about the structure of the monk rock-hewn dwellings in the Polomie. The location of the object, its linkage to the rest of the anthropogenic parts of the region and its characteristic features give us a new idea about the range and structure of the Great monastery "St Archangel Michael" at the Ivanovo village, municipality of Russe.
Keywords: Rock-Hewn Monasteries; Newly Discovered Monk Cell; Rock-Hewn Elements; Great Monastery "St Archangel Michael", Ivanovo Village
Received: 02-04-2021
Accepted: 30-11-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Koev, E. (2021). The Newly Discovered Monk Rock Cell Located between the Monk Rock Complexes "The Archangel" and "Krashtelnyata", which are Part of the Ivanovo Rock-Hewn Monasteries (a New View on the Structure and Range of the Great Monastery "St Archangel Michael" at the Ivanovo Village). Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 252–258. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_022
Mirena Todorova-Ekmekci
pp. 259 - 266
Title: Presenting and Promoting Cultural Heritage with Digital Media, Marketing Approaches and Methods. Good Examples.
Authors: Mirena Todorova-Ekmekci
Abstract: Making the cultural and historical heritage of countries available and attractive to a broad public, including in a digital way, is a key to making it survive and be acknowledged and well-maintained in time. Researches and practices show that cultural objects, which are digitalized and promoted, are much more known, visited and attract better investments. Digital tools are more and more used – tools like video presentation, 3D models, interactive photos and video with objects, interactive presentations and games, online tours and life events in social media. Especially, after COVID-19 anti-epidemic measures were imposed, such digital and marketing methods of presentation and promotion became a necessity for museums, cultural institutions, events, festivals and other forms of cultural heritage, in order to continue their existence, work and reach to the public. The paper explores good practices and examples and a variety of media and marketing approaches and methods, which can be used for digital presenting and promotion of cultural heritage, historical objects, places and intangible cultural heritage.
Keywords: Digital Marketing; Media; Cultural and Historical Heritage; Presentation; Promotion; Dissemination; Good Practices; Good Examples; Methods; Approaches; Digitalization
Received: 04-04-2021
Accepted: 30-11-2021
Published: 07-12-2021
Citation: Todorova-Ekmekci, M. (2021). Presenting and Promoting Cultural Heritage with Digital Media, Marketing Approaches and Methods. Good Examples. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 259–266. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_023