Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (ISSN: 2367-8038)
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015
Interdisciplinary Aspects in Research for Preservation, Presentation and Digitalization of the Cultural-Historical and Scientific Heritage in the Veliko Tarnovo Region
Galina Bogdanova
pp. 14 - 28
Title: Interdisciplinary Aspects in Research for Preservation, Presentation and Digitalization of the Cultural-Historical and Scientific Heritage in the Veliko Tarnovo RegionAuthors: Galina Bogdanova Abstract: The article presents some interdisciplinary aspects of research related to digitization, preservation and presentation of cultural, historical and scientific heritage of the Veliko Tarnovo region. Some specific interdisciplinary research, developments and results achieved in the field of folklore, bells, the work of architect Kolyu Ficheto, the Balkan Wars, cultural tourism are discussed in detail. The interdisciplinary problems related to the digital presentation of knowledge, the ways of organization and presentation of information in the field of cultural and historical heritage for the region are studied. The challenges of working in interdisciplinary teams and the future perspectives for their growth into an interdisciplinary network (laboratory) for joint research in the field of cultural and historical heritage in the region of Veliko Tarnovo are analyzed. Keywords: Digital Cultural and Historical Objects; Preservation; Presentation; Digitalization. Received: 01-12-2014 Accepted: 22-12-2014 Published: 05-09-2015 Citation: Bogdanova, G. (2015). Interdisciplinary Aspects in Research for Preservation, Presentation and Digitalization of the Cultural-Historical and Scientific Heritage in the Veliko Tarnovo Region. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 14–28 |