Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (ISSN: 2367-8038)
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015
Interactive Cultural Map about Veliko Tarnovo Region and Presentation of Thematic Cultural Routes
Pavel Hristov, Galina Bogdanova
pp. 81 - 89
Title: Interactive Cultural Map about Veliko Tarnovo Region and Presentation of Thematic Cultural RoutesAuthors: Pavel Hristov, Galina Bogdanova Abstract: Interactive methods for presenting sites of cultural, historical and scientific heritage of the Veliko Tarnovo region are presented. The problems related to the digital presentation of the knowledge about the historical and cultural landmarks and events in the region, the ways of organizing the information and its presentation to the user are studied. A specific implementation of a desktop and mobile application has been implemented through the eCity platform. The peculiarities of the software application related to its environment and mobility are considered. The possibilities for selection and presentation of new sites and categories thematically (specialized groups of sites united with a common theme) as a basis for thematic cultural routes in the tourism sector have been expanded. Keywords: Interactive Digital Map; Cultural Routes; Preservation; Presentation; Digitalization. Received: 01-12-2014 Accepted: 22-12-2014 Published: 05-09-2015 Citation: Hristov, P., Bogdanova, G. (2015). Interactive Cultural Map about Veliko Tarnovo Region and Presentation of Thematic Cultural Routes. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 81-89 |