140 Years Since the Liberation of the Polikraishte from Ottoman Slavery
Georgi Georgiev, Trifonka Popnikolova, Mariana Georgieva
pp. 199 - 216
Title: 140 Years Since the Liberation of the Polikraishte from Ottoman Slavery
Authors: Georgi Georgiev, Trifonka Popnikolova, Mariana Georgieva

Abstract: The Liberation of Polikraishte from Ottoman slavery is the sublemest social-polytical event in its entire history. It occurs on June 24 (old style) – July 6 1877 and is connected with the name of priest Georgi Marinov Poluganov – the leader of the Bulgarian National Revival here. The same day, at the head of a huge multitude of people, he welcomes thе Russian forces in the countryside "The Borush hills" – 7 km to the north of Polikraishte and holds a solemn thanksgiving service in honour of the Liberation. This repeats itself on June 29 (old style) – July 11 1877, during the arrival of the Commander-in-chief of the Russian army on the Balkan theater of military operations – The Grand Duke of Russia Nikolas Nikolaevich – the brother of the Russian Emperor Alexander II and of his General Headquarters. The events are spectacular. Accordsing to some estimations the participants in them are more than 2000 people. Such nation-wide jubilation, what was in Polikraishte, could not be seen at all anywhere in the world.

Keywords: Russo-Turkish Liberation War, Polikraishte, Bulgarian Priests

Received: 01-10-2017     Accepted: 01-12-2017     Published: 01-12-2017

Citation: Georgiev, G., Popnikolova, T., Georgieva, M. (2017). 140 Years Since the Liberation of the Polikraishte from Ottoman Slavery. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 3(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 199–216