Liturgical Order in the Religious Processions According to Manuscripts Stored in the Scientific Archives, BAS, Collection X, with Signature № 48, 50, 52 and 53
Galya Todorova
pp. 60 - 69
Title: Liturgical Order in the Religious Processions According to Manuscripts Stored in the Scientific Archives, BAS, Collection X, with Signature № 48, 50, 52 and 53
Authors: Galya Todorova

Abstract: The report "Liturgical Order in the Religious Processions According to Manuscripts Stored in the Scientific Archives, BAS, Collection X, with Signature № 48, 50, 52 and 53" examines the processes typical of the 15th and 16th centuries. The four written monuments present different lithium variants - festive and memorial. In two of the manuscripts (Nos 50 and 53) the liturgical processions were followed by prayers. A Service Book №52 contains festive lithium with parts of Morning gospels, and a Service Book and Prayer №48 has stored version of the festive and memorial lithium.
The religious processions carried out were in accordance with the statutes of Jerusalem, but their order was not established. We can summarize that the religious procession as a whole has preserved enough local customs and beliefs. In the 15th and 16th centuries it is the most diverse form of ceremony.

Keywords: The Gospel, Lithium, Procession, Manuscript, Prayers

Received: 01-10-2017     Accepted: 01-12-2017     Published: 01-12-2017

Citation: Todorova, G. (2017). Liturgical Order in the Religious Processions According to Manuscripts Stored in the Scientific Archives, BAS, Collection X, with Signature № 48, 50, 52 and 53. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 3(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 60–69