GUIDE&HAND Applications for Bulgarian Cultural Heritage
Zsolt László Márkus, Tibor Szkaliczki, Gábor Kaposi, Miklós Veres, Gita Senka, Lubomil Draganov, Radoslav Pavlov, Detelin Luchev
pp. 127 - 137
Title: GUIDE&HAND Applications for Bulgarian Cultural Heritage
Authors: Zsolt László Márkus, Tibor Szkaliczki, Gábor Kaposi, Miklós Veres, Gita Senka, Lubomil Draganov, Radoslav Pavlov, Detelin Luchev

Abstract: The paper presents integration of digital libraries and mobile applications for Bulgarian cultural heritage: the multimedia environments (Bulgarian Iconographical Digital Library, the BellKnow multimedia archive on bells and the web site of International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage) and the mobile applications (GUIDE@HAND Veliko Tarnovo, BOOK@HAND BIDL, INFO@HAND DIPP, BOOK@HAND Bells).

Keywords: digital libraries, mobile applications, Bulgarian cultural heritage, Guide@Hand

Received: 01-10-2017     Accepted: 01-12-2017     Published: 01-12-2017

Citation: Márkus, Z., Szkaliczki, T., Kaposi, G., Veres, M., Senka, G., Draganov, L., Pavlov, R., Luchev, D. (2017). The History and the Present of two Renaissance Houses from Bansko (Hadjivulcheva and Todeva). Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 3(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 127–137