Pasportisation of Bells from Grodno Region Belarus
Elena Shatko
pp. 150 - 177
Title: Pasportisation of Bells from Grodno Region Belarus
Authors: Elena Shatko

Abstract: The article is written based on the historic materials and research carried out during visits to Orthodox churches around Grodno oblast with the aim of certification of the preserved bells. Attached is the table of liturgical instruments that have preserved inscriptions of their single or numerous benefactors, fragments of artifacts and written records. In conclusion the author advances the initiative of founding the first museum of bell in the Republic of Belarus.

Keywords: Bell, Certification, Bell Fund, Orthodox Church, Church Bell Museum

Received: 01-10-2018     Accepted: 01-12-2018     Published: 01-12-2018

Citation: Shatko, E. (2018). Pasportisation of Bells from Grodno Region Belarus. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 4(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 150–177