About the Ritual of Naming The Child
Utkir Islamov, Jurabek Tujchiev
pp. 99 - 104
Title: About the Ritual of Naming The Child
Authors: Utkir Islamov, Jurabek Tujchiev

Abstract: The given article researches the ritual of naming children among the peoples of the East, in particular the Uzbek people. It mainly draws attention to the causes and factors of giving names denoting the process of survival and development of the baby.

Keywords: Folklore, Rites, Traditions, Customs, Name, Ethnography, Baby

Received: 01-10-2019     Accepted: 01-12-2019     Published: 01-12-2019

Citation: Islamov, U., Tujchiev, J. (2019). About the Ritual of Naming The Child. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 5(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 99–104. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2019_2_011