Online Resources for Language References and Consultations
Tatyana Alexandrova
pp. 130 - 141
Title: Online Resources for Language References and Consultations
Authors: Tatyana Alexandrova

Abstract: The article presents the Guide "Internet language References" – a modern form for professional language counselling, through which the widest range of users can get a competent answer to their language questions. Guide has been developed by The Language consultation service in Institute for Bulgarian Language – BAS, and includes real user questions and answers related to the spelling, grammar and punctuation rules, with the meaning, use, origin and stylistic characteristics of the words, as well as the proper drafting of different types of texts. The usefulness of this electronic resource is highlighted. This resource provides researchers with reliable feedback on problematic points in the application of the rules of the literary language, which supports research and applied activity in the field of language culture. Questions and answers relating to spelling and speech norms are presented in more detail.

Keywords: Language Culture, Language Counselling, Online Guide, Spelling, Speech

Received: 01-10-2019     Accepted: 01-12-2019     Published: 01-12-2019

Citation: Alexandrova, T. (2019). Online Resources for Language References and Consultations. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 5(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 130–141. DOI: