The Newly Opened Rock Church in the Ground Part of the Monastery Complex The Baptistery from the Ivanovo Rock-hewn Monasteries
Evgeni Koev
pp. 77 - 86
Title: The Newly Opened Rock Church in the Ground Part of the Monastery Complex The Baptistery from the Ivanovo Rock-hewn Monasteries
Authors: Evgeni Koev

Abstract: In another field study in the region of the Ivanovo rock-hewn monasteries, led by Evgeni Koev, a rock-hewn church was found in the area of the Monastery Complex “The Baptistery”. This specific site is a rock-hewn temple which has a unique location at the ground level of the rock wreath. It has not been documented in previous studies of this area. The church has a carefully shaped and processed eastern half. There is a carved characteristic absid in eastern direction, replacing the holy throne, a prosthetic niche and a replica of the rock-hewn Vladish throne. For the first time, the rock-hewn church is mapped and described in detail, giving a specific interpretation of the time of its construction and use, as well as showing the specific purpose of the temple and the adjacent monastic cells.

Keywords: Rock-hewn Church , Newly Discovered, Documented, Baptistery

Received: 01-11-2020     Accepted: 14-12-2020     Published: 14-12-2020

Citation: Koev, E. (2020). The Newly Opened Rock Church in the Ground Part of the Monastery Complex "The Baptistery" from the Ivanovo Rock-hewn Monasteries. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 6(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 77–86. DOI: