Development of the Accordion Chamber Compositions in Bulgaria in 80`s - 90`s of XX c. - Georgi Mitev`s Rore for their Approval in Music Performing Art and Pedagogical Practice
Stanimir Demirev
pp. 78 - 85
Title: Development of the Accordion Chamber Compositions in Bulgaria in 80`s - 90`s of XX c. - Georgi Mitev`s Rore for their Approval in Music Performing Art and Pedagogical Practice
Authors: Stanimir Demirev

Abstract: The report reflects the problems related to the development of accordion pedagogy in Bulgaria at the end of the XX century and the accordion chamber performing art. Reveals part of the pedagogical and creative versatility of Georgi Mitev / Assoc. Dr. at AMTII "Prof. A. Diamandiev" - Plovdiv /, as head of the "club of accordion chamber ensembles".

Keywords: Accordion, Accordion Pedagogy, Arranging for Accordion Chamber Ensembles

Received: 26-03-2021     Accepted: 14-06-2021     Published: 29-06-2021

Citation: Demirev, S. (2021). Development of the Accordion Chamber Compositions in Bulgaria in 80`s - 90`s of XX c. - Georgi Mitev`s Rore for their Approval in Music Performing Art and Pedagogical Practice. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 78–85. DOI: