Културно-историческо наследство: опазване, представяне, дигитализация (ISSN: 2367-8038)
Том 7, Брой 2, 2021
Ethnolocal Features of Traditional Shirts "Sorochkas" in Transcarpathian Hutsul Region of the End XIX — Early XXI Centuries: Openwork Décor
Olena Kozakevych
стр. 11 - 23
Автори: Olena Kozakevych Абстракт: In the paper local features of traditional shirts "sorochkas" in sets of clothes in Transcarpathian Hutsul region of the end XIX — early XXI centuries are discussed. Openwork items` universal and unique parameters in the context of Hutsul folk clothing in time dimension slice are defined. Special attention is focused to décor, namely lace. Technique and technological methods of manufacturing textile decorations, ways of forming their artistic and stylistic features, local versions of ornaments are studied. Defined that the folk clothing and their décor in north territories (Yasinia, Chorna Tysa, Lazenshchyna, Kvasy, Bilyn) has general characteristics with the clothing of Galician Hutsul region (Voronenko, Vorokhta, Yablunytsia). Shirts` openwork decor in this territory were fragmented: connecting stitches by embroidery or knitting techniques were made. And on the contrary, the clothes of the southern part of the Rakhiv region are more similar to the Slovak and Romanian clothing for the structural elements and décor. Ornaments of this territory mainly consists of phytomorphic motifs (inflorescences, buds, twigs, leaves). Thus, the combination of embroidery, lace, textures and structural details created a unique for the ethnographic Hutsul region, but a widespread and typical for the Ukrainian-Romanian borderland the décor type of traditional female shirts "sorochkas". Ключови думи: Openwork; Décor; Tradition; Typology; Local Features; Shirts; Adornment; Manufacturing Techniques; Technological Ornament; Artistic Characteristics. Получена: 05-04-2021 Приета: 25-11-2021 Публикувана: 07-12-2021 Цитиране: Kozakevych, O. (2021). Ethnolocal Features of Traditional Shirts "Sorochkas" in Transcarpathian Hutsul Region of the End XIX — Early XXI Centuries: Openwork Décor. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 11–23. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.26615/issn.2367-8038.2021_2_001 |