Wine in the Traditions of the Thracians: Modern Research and Manifestations
Vesela Vasileva Georgieva
pp. 172 - 180
Title: Wine in the Traditions of the Thracians: Modern Research and Manifestations
Authors: Vesela Vasileva Georgieva

Abstract: The significance of the topics of the Thracian culture and wine production have been conceived and presented over the years through various forms, such as the numerous events, some of which have established practices and traditions over the years. The centuries-old history of the Thracians and the concentration of the numerous monuments of Thracian culture in Bulgaria give grounds for many cultural institutions to include in their cultural calendars events presenting the rich Thracian cultural heritage and modern scientific achievements. No less important is the fact that the monuments of Thracian culture studied over the years and the discoveries made in them, testify to the elegance and unique material culture of the Thracians, whose models are unparalleled in the world cultural heritage. This in turn creates the need for their preservation, socialization and transmission to future generations. This topic covers the interpretation of the specifics and contribution to the presentation of cultural heritage in the context of the National Scientific Expedition Club UNESCO Scientific Seminar "Thracians and Wine", whose main goals, activities and tasks will be presented in detail in this paper.

Keywords: Thracians; Wine; Cultural Heritage; Scientific Practices; Scientific Seminar

Received: 18-11-2021     Accepted: 26-11-2021     Published: 07-12-2021

Citation: Georgieva, V. (2021). Wine in the Traditions of the Thracians: Modern Research and Manifestations. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 172–180. DOI: