Николай Ноев
телефон: +359 88 54 05 966
e-mail: nickey@mail.bg, nickey@math.bas.bg

Singing individual fragments of an RDF graph of unique Bulgarian bells
Galina Bogdanova, Todor Todorov, Nikolay Noev
ACCT 2010 - ACCT`2010: Twelfth international workshop sept. 5-11, 2010, Academgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia
Международно неакадемично издателство
Bogdanova, G.; Todorov, T.; Noev, N. (2010). Singing individual fragments of an RDF graph of unique Bulgarian bells. ACCT`2010: Twelfth international workshop sept. 5-11, 2010, Academgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, 12, 12, 2010, ISBN:978-5-86134-174-5, 47-52
    In this article we study the problem of signing RDF graphs fragments in semantic web of unique Bulgarian bells. We create an ontology of unique Bulgarian bells and use a methodology that allows signing of small groups of RDF statements. Groups of statements signed with this methodology can be safely inserted into any existing triple store without the loss of provenience information since only standard RDF semantics and constructs are used. The aim of this research is to propose a web based approach to managing digital archive and to study and identify several of the most valuable Bulgarian bells.