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    Mетодика за изследване на влиянието на религиозната активност въхру физиологичните показатели на сърдечната дейност

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Паскал Пиперков, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria,

Галина Тодорова, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria,
    The article considers the problem with the influence of changes in the emotional state as a result of various events and activities of the parameters of physiological data on the cardiac activity of the participants, extracted through a holter device. A classification of emotional states from the point of view of Christian morality is proposed, as well as a classification of events and activities related to the church and secular life of an Orthodox Christian in Bulgaria. On the basis of the created classifications are made surveys. With the help of statistical methods, a comparison and analysis of the obtained physiological data for the cardiac activity of the respondents is made, extracted with the help of a holter device.
Ключови думи:
Physiological Data; Cardiac Activity; Holter Devices; Orthodox; Worship; Religious Practices; Classification; Emotional States;
Цитиране (APA style):
Piperkov, P., Todorova, G. (2019). Methodology for Investigation of the Influence of Religious Activity on the Physiological Indicators of Heart Activity, Science Series "Innovative STEM Education", volume 01, ISSN: 2683-1333, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 28-34, DOI:
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