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    Значението на етиката в социално-обучителната роботика

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Ицасо Ароцена, University of the Basque Country,

Естер Крус-Иглесиас, University of the Basque Country,

Ициар Рекалде-Родригес, University of the Basque Country,
    Socio-educational robotics can be defined as investigating teaching-learning processes involving robots capable of bonding, learning and communicating. These robots are used as a didactic tool for their ability to interact with people, and they are designed to meet their objectives and benefit the human beings involved in the process. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the social and educational purpose of the intervention itself that will be carried out with them. However, the deontological code of the pedagogy profession does not include social robotics since it is a relatively new phenomenon in education. All the didactic interventions using robots must be designed to be compatible with the ideals of human dignity, rights, freedoms and cultural diversity.
Ключови думи:
Ethics; Social Robotics; Didactic Intervention;
Цитиране (APA style):
Arocena, I., Cruz-Iglesias, E., Rekalde-Rodriguez, E. (2022). The Importance of Ethics in Socio-Educational Robotics, Science Series "Innovative STEM Education", volume 04, ISSN: 2683-1333, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 13-17, DOI:
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