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    Изследване на влиянието на параметрите на движението върху к.п.д. на правотоков двигател за колесен мобилен робот

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Николай Попов, Institute of Robotics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Plovdiv, Bulgaria,

Стоян Лилов, Institute of Robotics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Plovdiv, Bulgaria,

Ваня Маркова, Institute of Robotics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Plovdiv, Bulgaria,

Венцеслав Шопов, Institute of Robotics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Plovdiv, Bulgaria,
    The thematic is in the engineering (mechatronics) branch, with application in the mobile robotics. In the article have been examined: the mechanical energy at motion and its corresponding electrical consumption, as they define the energy effectiveness for the mechatronics system of a vehicle. There have been analysed dependencies, defined by the physics, in order to find out the demands, imposed on the construction "battery, electrical motor, gearing and drive wheels". The goal criterion is the achieved mileage with a single battery charge, which is determined by the dependencies "electrical consumption versus torque versus speed" at any actual motor type. The robot's dynamics parameters (weight, friction at movement, terrain slope, maximal speed and acceleration) appear as input data. Combinations between model parameters have been made, in order to be determined the optimal energy indicators as well as to choose the appropriate direct- current motor. This research uses a relatively small set of empirical physics coefficients and it can be used as an effortless methodology in some lecture notes on the mechatronics of a small wheeled mobile robot.
Ключови думи:
Model of Mechatronics System; Wheeled Mobile Robot; Direct Current Motor; Simulation and Modelling; Torque and Efficiency of Electrical Motor;
Цитиране (APA style):
Popov, N., Lilov, S., Markova, V., Shopov, V. (2022). A Study Of The Impact Of Movement Parameters On The Efficiency Of A Direct-Current Motor For A Wheeled Mobile Robot, Science Series "Innovative STEM Education", volume 04, ISSN: 2683-1333, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 130-138, DOI:
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