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    GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation on Sites Requiring Accessibility

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Mirena Todorova - Ekmekci, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Science,
    The paper describes what GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation is and why it matters for business, institutions and other legal entities, who need to collect personal data in order to provide and deliver services or products. They have to apply and describe to consumers’ principles and general rules to protect their data. Rules include reasons why personal data collection is necessary, transparency how and by who it will be used and stored and for how long, as well as safety measures to not be used by other third parties or for other purposes unless the consumer clearly agreed.
    The paper explores the necessity and awareness to provide personal data to sites, how people provide it, what rights and options there are to protect it and why. Online users and clients are now more aware and receiving information on how their personal data is used by sites and service providers online. Research results on how much people want and fear to share their personal data are also presented.
    The paper presents in detail GDPR rules, requirements and rights and practiced, as well as what is personal data and sensitive personal data and the different ways to process and protect it. The research also focuses on special personal data provided by people with disabilities in order to have accessibility on sites and use certain services. In the end, recommendations for sites with accessibility are presented, following GDPR protection requirements.
GDPR; Regulation; Sites; Accessibility; People with Disabilities; Personal Data; Protection; Rights; Services; Collecting Data; Data Bases; Security; Special Personal Data;
Cite (APA style):
Todorova - Ekmekci, M. (2021). GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation on Sites Requiring Accessibility, Science Series "Innovative STEM Education", volume 03, ISSN: 2683-1333, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 37-48, DOI:
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