' QUADRANT SUNDIAL ' with correction for the coordinates and the equation of time ' Author: Valentin Z. Hristov ' valhrist@math.bas.bg ' www.math.bas.bg/complan/valhrist/mystuff.htm ' Advantages: No need to know the N-S direction. ' Disadvantages: Depends on the coordinates and is not suitable for ' using at places with high latitudes and also around the local noon ' (because the changes of the height are very small). ' INSTRUCTIONS for making and using the "quadrant sundial": ' ' Print this file. ' ' Cut along the thick outside boundary of the drawing ' ' Use glue to stick the left half onto some thin cardboard ' and cut the cardboard. (It is possible to stick directly ' onto the right half if the paper is thick enough.) ' ' Use needle to make two holes: ' 1) in the middle of the small square on the right of the ' morning part (left of the afternoon part). This is ' the pinhole for projecting the sun onto the opposite ' "+" mark as target. ' 2) at the right angle vertex of the quadrant (close to ' the end of the word MORNING). This is for a two sided ' string (thread) indicator with something heavy at the ' gathered two ends. ' ' Fold along the vertical dashed lines to one of the sides. ' The two parts must become perpendicular to the face. ' ' Fold along the horizontal dashed line, putting the tooth-like ' parts (above the small squares) into the small vertical internal ' cuts (at the two ends of the upper rectangle). ' ' ' Keeping the faces vertical and the string hanging free, aim the image ' of the sun to coincide with the "+" target. Fix the string by your ' fingers and read the time for the corresponding month and date !!! ' ' ENJOY !!! 'Maximize the window, close any existing drawing without saving, and start a new drawing. dcSetDrawingWindowMode dcMaximizeWin dcCloseWithoutSaving dcNew "" Option Explicit ' Force all variables to be declared before they are used. No adhoc variables Dim lat,lon,cm,pi,d2r,r2d,lc,lcr,slc,clc,lr,sl,cl As Double Dim w,r,h,ha,cha,sd,cd,sh,ch,cs1,cs2,hm,hm1 As Double Dim x1,y1,x11,y11,x2,y2,x22,y22,ss,cc,xb,yb,xe,ye As Double Dim eot(366),decl(366),spl1(732),spl2(732) As Double Dim button,time_int,eot_c,lon_c,dst_c,tf_c,nl,feot,flon,count,i As Integer Dim bm(13) As Integer Dim p,outtext,datetext(13) As String Dim ex1,ex2,dst,tf As Boolean dcSetLineParms dcBLACK,dcSOLID,dcTHICK dcSetCircleParms dcBLACK,dcSOLID,dcTHICK dcSetDrawingScale 25.4 'mm Call Sundial '****************** Sub Sundial Input_constants If button=0 Then GoTo Cncl Initial_data Main 'dcViewAll Cncl: End Sub 'Sundial '******************* Sub Input_constants Begin Dialog Constants_input 10,20,200,150,"QUADRANT SUNDIAL" Text 20,5,180,10,"QUADRANT SUNDIAL - uses the height (elevation)" Text 35,15,180,10,"With corrections for EoT and Longitude" Text 20,30,40,10,"Place" TextBox 45,30,110,10,.p Text 20,40,180,10,"Latitude Longitude Central meridian" TextBox 20,50,40,10,.lat TextBox 80,50,40,10,.lon TextBox 140,50,40,10,.cm Text 30,60,180,10,"Decimal degrees!!! South and West < 0" Text 20,75,80,10,"Time interval:" OptionGroup .time_int OptionButton 70,75,35,10,"15 min" OptionButton 110,75,35,10,"30 min" OptionButton 150,75,35,10,"60 min" Text 20,85,80,10, "EOT correction" OptionGroup .eot_c OptionButton 130,85,30,10, "Yes" OptionButton 160,85,30,10, "No" Text 20,95,80,10, "Longitude correction" OptionGroup .lon_c OptionButton 130,95,30,10, "Yes" OptionButton 160,95,30,10, "No" Text 20,105,120,10, "Use of Daylight Savings Time" OptionGroup .dst_c OptionButton 130,105,30,10, "Yes" OptionButton 160,105,30,10, "No" Text 20,115,120,10, "Time Format" OptionGroup .tf_c OptionButton 130,115,30,10, "12" OptionButton 160,115,30,10, "24" OKButton 40,130,40,10 CANCELButton 120,130,40,10 End Dialog 'Constants_input 'Initialize Dim prompt As Constants_input prompt.p="Lozen - Sofia - Bulgaria" prompt.lat = 42.6021 prompt.lon = 23.5011 prompt.cm = 30 prompt.time_int = 0 prompt.eot_c = 0 prompt.lon_c = 0 prompt.dst_c = 0 prompt.tf_c = 0 'prompt.p="Equator TEST" 'prompt.lat = 0 'prompt.lon = 0 'prompt.cm = 0 repeat_until_inputcorrect: 'label to return if input is not correct button = Dialog(prompt) 'get the input If (button=0) Then GoTo End_input If test("Latitude",prompt.lat,-90,90) = false Then GoTo repeat_until_inputcorrect End If If test("Longitude",prompt.lon,-180,180) = false Then GoTo repeat_until_inputcorrect End If If test("CentralMeridian",prompt.cm,-180,180) = false Then GoTo repeat_until_inputcorrect End If p=prompt.p lat=prompt.lat lon=prompt.lon cm=prompt.cm eot_c=prompt.eot_c dst_c=prompt.dst_c time_int=prompt.time_int tf_c=prompt.tf_c if eot_c=0 then feot=1 else feot=0 if lon_c=0 then flon=1 else flon=0 if dst_c=0 then dst=True else dst=False if time_int=0 then nl=4 if time_int=1 then nl=2 if time_int=2 then nl=1 if tf_c=0 then tf=True else tf=False End_input: End Sub 'Input_constants '******************* Sub Initial_data bm( 1)= 1 '1jan bm( 2)= 32 '1feb bm( 3)= 60 bm( 4)= 91 bm( 5)=121 bm( 6)=152 bm( 7)=182 bm( 8)=213 bm( 9)=244 bm(10)=274 bm(11)=305 bm(12)=335 '1dec bm(13)=365 '31dec 'bm(13)=366 '1jan For count=1 To 365 w=.017202792*(count-(cm-15)/360) decl(count)=.367402-23.275*Cos(w+.178044)-.38506*Cos(2*w+.0687076)-.16046*Cos(3*w+.451301)+.00315469*Cos(4*w+.876643) Next count decl(366)=decl(1) For count=1 To 365 w=.017202792*(count-(cm-15)/360) eot(count)=.00884207-7.36034*Cos(w+1.49487)+9.91068*Cos(2*w-1.21808)-.306344*Cos(3*w+1.82055)+.204774*Cos(4*w-.875115) Next count eot(366)=eot(1) datetext( 1) = "J" datetext( 2) = "F" datetext( 3) = "M" datetext( 4) = "A" datetext( 5) = "M" datetext( 6) = "J" datetext( 7) = "J" datetext( 8) = "A" datetext( 9) = "S" datetext(10) = "O" datetext(11) = "N" datetext(12) = "D" datetext(13) = "J" End Sub 'Initial_data '******************* Sub Main pi=4*Atn(1) d2r=pi/180 r2d=180/pi lc=lon-cm 'longitude correction lcr=lc*d2r 'longitude correction in radians slc=sin(lcr) 'sin(longitude correction) clc=cos(lcr) 'cos(longitude correction) lr=lat*d2r 'latitude in radians sl=sin(lr) 'sin(latitude) cl=cos(lr) 'cos(latitude) dcSetTextParms dcBLACK,"Tahoma","Bold",0,10,4,0,0 dcCreateText -105,16,0,p if lat<0 then dcCreateText -105,11,0,"Latitude "&CStr(0-lat)&" S" else if lat> 0 then dcCreateText -105,11,0,"Latitude "&CStr(lat)&" N" else dcCreateText -105,11,0,"Latitude "&CStr(lat) end if end if if lon<0 then dcCreateText -65,11,0,"Longitude "&CStr(0-lon)&" W" else if lon>0 then dcCreateText -65,11,0,"Longitude "&CStr(lon)&" E" else dcCreateText -65,11,0,"Longitude "&CStr(lon) end if end if dcSetTextParms dcBLACK,"Tahoma","Bold",0,10,5,0,0 dcCreateText 0,-90,0,"Use some editor to see the instructions in the beginning of the file quadrant.bas" dcSetTextParms dcBLACK,"Tahoma","Bold",0,10,4,0,0 dcCreateText 23,16,0,"Author: Valentin Hristov, valhrist@math.bas.bg" dcSetTextParms dcBLACK,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8.5,4,0,0 dcCreateText 25,11,0,"www.math.bas.bg/complan/valhrist/mystuff.htm" dcSetTextParms dcBLACK,"Tahoma","Bold",0,7,6,0,0 dcCreateText -33,-5,0,"BEFORE" dcCreateText -33,-8,0,"LOCAL" dcCreateText -33,-11,0,"NOON" dcSetTextParms dcBLACK,"Tahoma","Bold",0,7,4,0,0 dcCreateText 33,-5,0,"AFTER" dcCreateText 33,-8,0,"LOCAL" dcCreateText 33,-11,0,"NOON" dcSetLineParms dcBLACK,dcSOLID,dcTHICK dcSetCircleParms dcBLACK,dcSOLID,dcTHICK dcCreateLine -130,0,-110,0 dcCreateLine -20,0,20,0 dcCreateLine 110,0,130,0 dcCreateLine -20,0,-20,-80 dcCreateLine 20,0,20,-80 dcCreateLine 30,-80,20,-80 dcCreateLine -30,-80,-20,-80 dcCreateLine -130,0,-130,20 dcCreateLine 130,0,130,20 dcCreateLine -130,20,-125,20 dcCreateLine 130,20,125,20 dcCreateLine -115,20,-110,20 dcCreateLine 115,20,110,20 dcCreateLine -20,20,-15,20 dcCreateLine 20,20,15,20 dcCreateLine -5,20,5,20 dcCreateLine -125,20,-120,30 dcCreateLine 125,20,120,30 dcCreateLine -120,30,-115,30 dcCreateLine 120,30,115,30 dcCreateLine -115,20,-115,40 dcCreateLine 115,20,115,40 dcCreateLine -15,20,-15,40 dcCreateLine 15,20,15,40 dcCreateLine -15,30,-10,30 dcCreateLine 15,30,10,30 dcCreateLine -10,30,-5,20 dcCreateLine 10,30,5,20 dcCreateLine -115,40,-15,40 dcCreateLine 115,40,15,40 dcCreateLine -110,25,-110,35 dcCreateLine 110,25,110,35 dcCreateLine -20,25,-20,35 dcCreateLine 20,25,20,35 dcSetLineParms dcBLACK,dcSTITCH,dcTHIN dcCreateLine -110,0,-110,20 dcCreateLine -20,0,-20,20 dcCreateLine 0,0,0,20 dcCreateLine 20,0,20,20 dcCreateLine 110,0,110,20 dcCreateLine -110,20,-20,20 dcCreateLine 110,20,20,20 dcCreateCircle -30,0,.75 dcCreateCircle 30,0,.75 dcCreateCircle -10,10,1 dcCreateCircle 10,10,1 dcCreateCircleEx -30,0,-110,0,-30,-80,80,80,90,1 dcCreateCircleEx 30,0,30,-80,110,0,80,80,90,1 dcSetLineParms dcBLACK,dcSOLID,dcTHIN dcSetCircleParms dcBLACK,dcSOLID,dcTHIN dcCreateLine -126,10,-114,10 dcCreateLine 126,10,114,10 dcCreateLine -120,4,-120,16 dcCreateLine 120,4,120,16 dcCreateLine -30,0,-100,0 dcCreateLine 30,0,100,0 dcCreateLine -30,0,-30,-70 dcCreateLine 30,0,30,-70 dcCreateCircle -120,10,3 dcCreateCircle 120,10,3 dcCreateCircle -120,10,6 dcCreateCircle 120,10,6 dcSetTextParms dcBLACK,"Tahoma","Bold",0,9,21,0,0 for i=1 to 13 r=35+35*bm(i)/(bm(13)-bm(1)) dcCreateCircleEx -30,0,-100,0,-30,-100,r,r,90,1 dcCreateCircleEx 30,0,30,-100,30,0,r,r,90,1 dcCreateLine -30-r,0,-30-r,2 dcCreateLine 30+r,0,30+r,2 if i<13 then dcCreateText -65-35*(bm(i)+14)/(bm(13)-bm(1)),4,0,datetext(i) dcCreateText 65+35*(bm(i)+14)/(bm(13)-bm(1)),4,0,datetext(i) end if next i 'hight (altitude) scales for i=0 to 90 ss=sin(i*d2r) cc=cos(i*d2r) if i=int(i/5)*5 then dcCreateLine 30+80*ss,-80*cc,30+77*ss,-77*cc dcCreateLine -30-80*ss,-80*cc,-30-77*ss,-77*cc else dcCreateLine 30+80*ss,-80*cc,30+78.5*ss,-78.5*cc dcCreateLine -30-80*ss,-80*cc,-30-78.5*ss,-78.5*cc end if next i 'hour lines for h=0 to 23.99 step 1/nl ' civil and daylight savings labels hm=h-1 hm=hm-Int(hm/12)*12+1 'h (12) hm1=hm hm1=hm1-Int(hm1/12)*12+1 'h+1 (12) if h=int(h) then dcSetLineParms dcDarkPurple,dcSolid,dcThick else if 2*h=int(2*h) then dcSetLineParms dcBlue,dcSOLID,dcTHIN else dcSetLineParms dcGreen,dcSOLID,dcTHIN end if end if ex1=False ex2=False for i=1 to 366 step 2 ha=h*15+flon*lc-feot*eot(i)/4 ha=ha-180 cha=cos(ha*d2r) sd=sin(decl(i)*d2r) cd=cos(decl(i)*d2r) sh=sl*sd+cl*cd*cha 'sin(height) ch=sqr(1-sh*sh) if sh>=0 and ha<=0 then r=35+35*i/366 x1=-30-r*sh y1=-ch*r if ex1=False then xb=x1 yb=y1 if h=int(h) then dcSetTextParms dcBLUE,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8,21,0,0 if tf then dcCreateText xb,yb,0,hm else dcCreateText xb,yb,0,h end if end if ex1=True else dcCreateLine x11,y11,x1,y1 if i>=365 and ex1=True then xe=x1 ye=y1 if h=int(h) then if dst then dcSetTextParms dcRED,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8,21,0,0 if tf then dcCreateText xe,ye,0,hm1 else dcCreateText xe,ye,0,h+1 end if else dcSetTextParms dcBLUE,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8,21,0,0 if tf then dcCreateText xe,ye,0,hm else dcCreateText xe,ye,0,h end if end if end if end if end if x11=x1 y11=y1 else if ex1=True then xe=x1 ye=y1 if h=int(h) then if dst then dcSetTextParms dcRED,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8,21,0,0 if tf then dcCreateText xe,ye,0,hm1 else dcCreateText xe,ye,0,h+1 end if else dcSetTextParms dcBLUE,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8,21,0,0 if tf then dcCreateText xe,ye,0,hm else dcCreateText xe,ye,0,h end if end if end if end if ex1=False end if if sh>=0 and ha>=0 then r=35+35*i/366 x2=30+r*sh y2=-ch*r if ex2=False then xb=x2 yb=y2 if h=int(h) then dcSetTextParms dcBLUE,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8,21,0,0 if tf then dcCreateText xb,yb,0,hm else dcCreateText xb,yb,0,h end if end if ex2=True else dcCreateLine x22,y22,x2,y2 if i>=365 and ex2=True then xe=x2 ye=y2 if h=int(h) then if dst then dcSetTextParms dcRED,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8,21,0,0 if tf then dcCreateText xe,ye,0,hm1 else dcCreateText xe,ye,0,h+1 end if else dcSetTextParms dcBLUE,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8,21,0,0 if tf then dcCreateText xe,ye,0,hm else dcCreateText xe,ye,0,h end if end if end if end if end if x22=x2 y22=y2 else if ex2=True then xe=x2 ye=y2 if h=int(h) then if dst then dcSetTextParms dcRED,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8,21,0,0 if tf then dcCreateText xe,ye,0,hm1 else dcCreateText xe,ye,0,h+1 end if else dcSetTextParms dcBLUE,"Tahoma","Bold",0,8,21,0,0 if tf then dcCreateText xe,ye,0,hm else dcCreateText xe,ye,0,h end if end if end if end if ex2=False end if next i next h 'maximal height (elevation) h=12 dcSetLineParms dcBlack,dcSOLID,dcNormal ex1=False ex2=False for i=1 to 366 step 2 ha=h*15'+flon*lc-feot*eot(i)/4 ha=ha-180 cha=cos(ha*d2r) sd=sin(decl(i)*d2r) cd=cos(decl(i)*d2r) sh=sl*sd+cl*cd*cha 'sin(height) ch=sqr(1-sh*sh) if sh>=0 and ha<=0 then r=35+35*i/366 x1=-30-r*sh y1=-ch*r if ex1=False then ex1=True else dcCreateLine x11,y11,x1,y1 end if x11=x1 y11=y1 else ex1=False end if if sh>=0 and ha>=0 then r=35+35*i/366 x2=30+r*sh y2=-ch*r if ex2=False then ex2=True else dcCreateLine x22,y22,x2,y2 end if x22=x2 y22=y2 else ex2=False end if next i End Sub 'Main Function test(varname,x,minval,maxval) As boolean If IsNumeric(x) = false Then test = false outtext = varname & " must be numeric" MsgBox outtext exit Function End If If x < minval Or x > maxval Then outtext = varname & " must be between " & chr$(13) & minval & " and " & maxval MsgBox outtext exit Function End If test = true End Function