\documentstyle[11pt]{article} \begin {document} \title{Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods} \author {S.\ Heinrich\\ Fachbereich Informatik\\ Universit\"at Kaiserslautern\\ D-67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany\\ e-mail: heinrich@informatik.uni-kl.de } \date{} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The standard task of Monte Carlo methods is to estimate an unknown scalar - usually an integral or a functional of the solution of an integral equation. It is well-known and well-understood that for high dimensional problems Monte Carlo methods can outperform deterministic ones. Less clear is the situation, when a whole function instead of a scalar is to be approximated. Two prominent examples are integrals depending on a parameter and the approximation of the full solution function of an integral equation. For both situations various methods were developed which - as a rule - use a fixed grid and combine the standard estimators for point values. In this talk we survey some recent development which goes beyond that approach. Within a multilevel setting such as multigrids or wavelet expansions new variance reduction techniques are applied. They are based on approximation properties of these multilevel structures and a balancing of deterministic and stochastic approximation on the different levels. Substantial reduction of arithmetic cost is reached this way. Moreover, a complexity theoretic analysis on model classes shows these methods to be optimal and superior to any deterministic method. \end{abstract} \end{document}