\documentclass{article} \usepackage{a4} \title{Preconditioning for eigenproblems} \author{Gerard Sleijpen \\ Utrecht University} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \pagestyle{empty} \subsection*{Abstract} In the Jacobi-Davidson methods for eigenproblems a correction equation for the expansion of the search subspace is an important key for success. If the correction equation is solved accurately then we will have quadratic convergence of the eigenvalues, but unfortunately accurate solution by direct techniques will be far too expensive in actual situations. The usual approach is to solve the correction equation only approximately by some suitable method, in particular by a few steps of a preconditioned iterative solution method. Because of the projections that occur in the correction equation the inclusion of preconditioning is not so straightforward and we will discuss ways of including preconditioning in an efficient and stable manner. For accurate preconditioners as MRILU an equivalent formulation of the correction equation as an augmented matrix without projections may be more attractive. In order to get flawless convergence one has to make the right selections for the approximate eigenvectors. This and other aspects that lead to an enhance performance of Jacobi-Davidson will be discussed as well. \medskip This is joint work with Henk van der Vorst (Utrecht University) and Freddy Wubs (University of Groningen). \bigskip\bigskip \hspace*{\fill} \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}} Gerard Sleijpen\\ Department of Mathematics\\ Utrecht University\\ PO Box 80 010\\ NL-3508 TA Utrecht\\ The Netherlands\\ {\tt http://www.math.ruu.nl/people/sleijpen/} \end{tabular}