\documentclass[leqno,12pt]{article} % latex2e \usepackage{amsmath} % latex2e \def\SPARQR{\mbox{\sf SPARQR}} \def\LORA{\mbox{\sf LORA}} \def\O2{\mbox{Origin 2000}} \begin{document} \title{\bf Parallel Performance of Several Codes for Solving Sparse Linear Systems on SGI-CRAY \O2\thanks{ This work was supported in part by NSF grants CCR-9619763 and ECS-9527123 (Grand Challenge) as well as by grant MU-MM 02/96 of the Bulgarian Ministery of Education and Science.} } \author{Tz. Ostromsky\thanks{Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 - 1398, % \protect\\ {\em e-mail:} tto@cs.purdue.edu} \quad {\em e-mail:} tto@cs.purdue.edu} \and A. Sameh\thanks{Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 - 1398, % \protect\\ {\em e-mail:} sameh@cs.purdue.edu} \quad {\em e-mail:} sameh@cs.purdue.edu} \and Z. Zlatev\thanks{National Environmental Research Institute, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark, % \protect\\ {\em e-mail:} luzz@sun2.dmu.dk} \quad {\em e-mail:} luzz@sun2.dmu.dk} } \date{} \maketitle \begin{abstract} Parallel solution of sparse linear systems is a difficult task with very important practical applications. Extensive research has recently been done in this area and several codes have been introduced. The increasing variety of multiprocessors available and the dynamic developments, however, result in numerical experiments on different machines for the variety of codes proposed. % They are hardly comparable, This causes certain difficulties in comparison of the codes themselves. This work is aimed to show results and compare the performance of several different sparse matrix codes on one and the same parallel platform -- SGI-CRAY \O2. Results of the dense LAPACK solvers for the test problems are also provided. \vspace{4 mm} \noindent {\em Keywords:} linear system, sparse matrix, block partitioning, bandwidth, parallel algorithm, speed-up. % shared memory, cache. \end{abstract} \end{document}