\documentstyle{article} \textwidth=16cm \textheight=22cm \begin{document} \baselineskip=18pt \hoffset -60pt \centerline{\bf Boundary integral method for the} \centerline{\bf Laplace equation in a slit domain} \centerline{M. Avigal and J.Steinberg, Technion, Haifa} \ \\ {\bf Abstract.} Let $D$ be a domain whose boundary is composed of a simple closed curve $L$ and a slit $S$ inside $L$. The bounded solution $w$ of the Laplace equation, satisfying $\partial w/\partial n=0$ on $S$ and given conditions on $L$ is represented as an integral transform $$ w(P)=\int \limits_L \{K(P,Q)\partial w(Q)/\partial n-w(Q) \partial K(P,Q)/\partial n\}\,ds;\quad P\in D, $$ where $K$ is a fundamental solution satisfying $\partial K/\partial n_P=0$, $P\in S$; $\partial K/\partial n_Q=0$, $Q\in S$. $K$ can be constructed with the help of a biorthogonal system $\{w_j,\tilde w_j\}$, i.e. a pair of sequences of harmonic functions in $D$, whose normal derivative vanish on $S$, and satisfying $(w_j,\tilde w_j)=\alpha_j \delta_{jk}$; $\alpha_j\ne 0$, with the skew-symmetric bilinear form $$ (f,g)=\int \limits_L (f\partial g/\partial n-g\partial f/\partial n) \,ds. $$ Choosing for $S$ the interval $|x|<1$, the solution $w$ possesses an harmonic continuation across $S$ on the two-sheet Riemann surface $R$ of the function $\zeta=(z^2-1)^{1/2}$, and it can be proved that the expansion $w=\sum c_j w_j$; $c_j=\alpha_j^{-1}(w,\tilde w_j)$, holds true on that part of $R$ cut by the largest Cassini-oval contained in $D$, whose foci are the points $x=\pm 1$; $y=0$. The biorthogonal system is composed of four subsystems each of which is symmetric or anti-symmetric w.r.t. the $x,y$-axes and yields a contribution to $K$ of the form $$ K_i=-\frac{1}{8\pi}\log \overline{PQ}+H_i(P,Q);\quad (i=1,2,3,4), $$ where $H_i(P,Q)$ is a harmonic function of $Q$ for any fixed $P$ (not at the ends of $S$, which are branching points) and vice-versa. All functions are expressed adequately in elliptic coordinates on $R$. While $K_1$ and $K_2$ are elementary functions, $K_3$ and $K_4$ can be defined in terms of two of the four hypergeometric functions $F_i$ of two variables considered by P. Appell in 1880, namely $$ F_1(a,b,b',c;X,Y) \mbox{ and } F_3(a,a',b,b',c;X,Y). $$ The integral representation of the solution $w$ now allows to obtain an integral equation for the unknown values of $w(Q)$ or of $\partial w(Q)/\partial n$ on $L$, while the path of integration is only $L$, thus avoiding the singular points at the ends of $S$. \end{document}