A Nonoscillatory Numerical Scheme Based on A General Solution for Unsteady Advection-Diffusion Equations Katsuhiro Sakai Saitama Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, 1690 Fusaiji, Okabe, Saitama, 369-02 Japan E-mail:sakai@sit.ac.jp Abstract We consider the numerical solution of an unsteady advection-diffusion equation. Conventional high-order numerical schemes for this equation tend to show numerical oscillations. These oscillations are due to discretizing the derivative terms in the equation. In this paper, we apply a spectral technique to the unsteady advection-diffusion equation with a spatially uniform velocity field. The solution f(t,x) is uniquely expanded into the Fourie series using orthonormal and complete functions in a finite computational region. Substituting the f(t,x) expressed in the Furie series into the advection-diffusion equation yields the ordinary differential equation for the transformed function C(t,k) of f(t,x). In this course, both of the temporal and spatial derivative terms are treated with analytically, resulting in being free from the deficiency due to discretizing the derivative terms. Given C(t',k) at the time t' as an initial condition, we solve the ordinary differential equation and obtain C(t,k) with C(t',k), which is given by the Fourie transformation of f(t',x') at t'. Substituting this C(t,k) into C(t,k) in f(t,x) expressed in the Fourie series, and performing an algebraic manipulation using a formula about the sum in an infinite series with respect to k, we obtain a new expression for f(t,x) in terms of f(t',x') and a correlation function between the two solutions at (t',x') and at (t,x). In numerical calculations, a discrete approximation with trapezoidal rule or the Simpson's rule for the integration with respect to x' in this expression is performed. When the diffusivity goes to 0, this expression reduces to a usual advection properties of hyperbolic equation owing to the nature of the delta function. This new expression is a formula to calculate f(t,x) explicitly by using f(t',x') at the older time t'. Namely, given the distribution of a quantity in the real space at one step older time, we solve the quantity at new time step still in the real space, in which the spectral technique is applied only to it's deviation from the quantity at older time step. In this point of view, the present method is not always same as the usual spectral method. The sum with respect to the Fourie mode k in the present formula tends to converge rapidly thanks to the exponential function. Moreover, the coefficients associated with f(t',x') in the right-hand side of the present formula are positive at any time and anywhwere for any large velocity and for any small diffusivity. Hence the present formula fulfills the Patanker's positive coefficients condition. Hence this formula guarantees solutions free from numerical oscillations for unsteady advection-diffusion equations with any large velocity and any small diffusivity. Thus, a nonoscillatory numerical scheme was presented. The present scheme can be straightforwardly extended to multidimensional problems. Numerical experiments showed good solutions without numerical oscillations.