\documentstyle[11pt]{article} \textwidth=155mm \textheight=230mm \oddsidemargin=0.5cm \topmargin=-2cm \pagestyle{empty} \newcommand{\Ac}[2] {\begin{array}[b]{c}\mbox{\scriptsize#1}\\[-4mm]#2\end{array}\!\!} \newcommand{\Acc}[2] \title{\vspace*{-0.5cm} '$E\xi$\hspace{-1mm} $\begin{array}[b]{c} \mbox{\tiny c}\\[-4mm]\varepsilon\end{array}\!\!\nu\acute{o}s$ $\pi\acute{\alpha}\nu\tau\alpha$: from the unitary Korn's type inequality in subspaces to a unified way for developing iterative methods\\ for 3$D$ thin elastic structures with uniform convergence } \author{ \Large Leonidas S. Xanthis } \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \vspace*{-8mm} \begin{center} Centre for Techno-Mathematics {\em \&} Scientific Computing Laboratory \\ University of Westminster, London HA1 3TP, UK ({\tt lsx@wmin.ac.uk}) \end{center} \vspace*{4mm} \begin{center} {\LARGE Abstract} \end{center} \thispagestyle{empty} ``An accurate, fully three-dimensional simulation of a very thin body is beyond the power of even the most powerful computers and computational techniques \ldots The development and mathematical validation of accurate numerical methods for shells which are reliable for the full range of shell geometries \ldots is one of the most challenging issues in numerical computation''. This quotation is from the rationale given by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) of the USA in announcing a workshop for the year-2000 on `Elastic Shells: Modeling, Analysis and Numerics' organized by the eminent D.N. Arnold (Penn State), I. Babu\v{s}ka (Austin), F. Brezzi (Pavia), Ph.G. Ciarlet (Paris) and J. Pitk\"{a}ranta (Helsinki).\\ In this paper we address the fundamental {\em fin-de-mill\'{e}naire} computational issue of how to solve efficiently large-scale 3$D$ elasticity problems for {\em thin} structures of arbitrary geometry, for example, shells. We show that by invoking the {\em Ovtchinnikov-Xanthis's (OX's) \footnote{Not to be confused with Ox's as in {\em Doctor Ox's Experiment}, the novella by Jules Verne and new opera by Gavin Bryars to have its world premi\`{e}re in June 1998 at the English National Opera.} Inequality} [1-5] -- the {\em only} Korn's type inequality providing pivotal information for the radical improvement of the performance of iterative methods for thin structures -- we can establish an effective and unified framework for developing robust iterative methods for thin elastic structures with convergence rate independent of both the thickness and the discretization parameters. Thus \\[-3mm] we recall and commend the all-pervasive and unifying Logos of Heraclitus: $\begin{array}[b]{c} \mbox{,}\\[-2mm] \varepsilon\end{array}\!\!\xi$\hspace{-1mm} $\begin{array}[b]{c} \mbox{\tiny c}\\[-2.5mm]\varepsilon\end{array}\!\!\nu\acute{o}s$ $\pi\acute{\alpha}\nu\tau\alpha$. % %\end{abstract} {\small \begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{CMAME1} E.~E.~Ovtchinnikov and L.~S.~Xanthis. A new {K}orn's type inequality for thin domains and its application to iterative methods. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 138 (1996) 299--315. \bibitem{CRAS} E.~E.~Ovtchinnikov and L.~S.~Xanthis. A new {K}orn's type inequality for thin elastic structures. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, S\'erie I 324 (1997) 577--583. \bibitem{RS1} E.~E.~Ovtchinnikov and L.~S.~Xanthis. The {K}orn's type inequality in subspaces and thin elastic structures. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 453 (1997) 2003--2016. \bibitem{CMAME2} E.~E.~Ovtchinnikov and L.~S.~Xanthis. The discrete {K}orn's type inequality for thin domains and its application to iterative methods. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 160 (1998) 23-37. \bibitem{RS2} E.~E.~Ovtchinnikov and L.~S.~Xanthis. Iterative subspace correction methods for thin elastic structures and {K}orn's type inequality in subspaces. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 454 (1998) 2023-2039. \end{thebibliography} } \end{document}