Plenary and Invited Lectures
O.Axelsson (The Netherlands),
On generalized conjugate gradient type methods for the iterative
solution of nonsymmetric and/or indefinite systems of equations
(with D. Young)
J.H.Bramble (USA),
Computational scales of Sobolev norms
(with J.E.Pasciak and P.S.Vassilevski)
R.E.Ewing (USA),
Applications of Domain Decomposition Methods to Flows in Porous Media
R.P.Fedorenko (Russia),
Finite Superelements Method
M.Griebel (Germany),
Fast numerical methods for molecular dynamics simulations
S. Heinrich (Germany),
Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods
(to be presented in the minisymposium on
"Monte Carlo Methods")
P.W.Hemker (The Netherlands),
The Numerical
Solution of a Neumann Problem
for Parabolic Singular Perturbed Equations
with High-Order Time Accuracy
(with G.I.Shishkin and L.P.Shishkina)
(to be presented in the minisymposium on
"Parameter-Robust Numerical Methods for
Singularly Perturbed and Convection-Dominated
U.Jaekel (Germany),
Stochastic simulation of adjoint problems for jump processes
(with I.Dimov and D.Wendt)
(to be presented in the minisymposium on
"Monte Carlo Methods")
Z.Kamont (Poland),
Numerical methods for impulsive partial differential equations
(to be presented in the minisymposium on
"Approximation of Nonlinear and Functional PDEs")
- M.S.Kaschiev,
Computational problems in the
adiabatic represetation method
R.D.Lazarov (USA/Bulgaria),
Finite Volume Methods
for Steady-State and Transient Problems
L.Perkins (USA),
A Numerical Methodology for Reducing Total
Simulation Error
(with P.A.Orlin and L.F.Smedstad)
B.Philippe (France),
Computation of the fundamental singular subspace of large matrices
for pseudospectrum determinations
(with M.Sadkane)
(to be presented in the minisymposium on
"Computational Issues in Large Scale Eigenvalue Problems")
S.Rjasanow (Germany),
Efficient storage techniques for the radiation heat transfer equation
(with M.Bebendorf)
(to be presented in the minisymposium on
"Multifield Problems")
M.Schaefer (Germany),
Numerical Simulation of
Coupled Fluid-Solid Problems
Bl. Sendov (Bulgaria),
Orthonormal Systems of Fractal Functions
V.Thomee (Sweden),
Maximum-norm estimates for parabolic finite element equations
P.N.Vabishchevich (Russia),
Explicit-Implicit Difference
Schemes for Convection-Diffusion Problems
(with A.A.Samarskii)
H.A.van der Vorst (The Netherlands),
Subspace Iteration Methods with Preconditioning for Eigenvalues of very
Large Matrices
W.L.Wendland (Germany),
Domain Decomposition and Boundary Elements
(with O.Steinbach)
J.R.Whiteman (UK),
A posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptivity for Linear Elastic Plate
Deformation and Problems of Linear Viscoelasticity
(with M.Ludwig and S.Shaw)
L.Xanthis (UK),
From the unitary Korn's type inequality in subspaces to a unified way for
developing iterative methods for 3D thin elastic structures with uniform
Z.Zlatev (Denmark),
Development of efficient partitioned ODE algorithms
with an application to air pollution models
Minisymposia ||
Contributed Talks
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