Conference Proceedings and Publisher's
Style Files
Proceedings in a book form (of only refereed and presented at the Conference
papers) will be published by World Scientific Publishing Company. The expected
size of the Proceedings is above 1,000 pages.
The Publisher's styles have to be used for preparing the final form of
the papers. Due to the late providing you with the Publisher's styles, 9
pages contributed papers (13 pages papers by key and invited lecturers)
will be accepted. However, 8 (12) pages papers submition will be
highly appreciated.
You can get proper
LaTeX style files for full papers here
(LaTeX 2.09
or LaTeX
2e) or from
e-mail us the LaTeX file
with the final text of your paper before August 1, 1998.
The figures have to be sent as separate files in Postscript, or in other LaTeX
compatible format.
In exceptional cases, these files can be brought to us
on a diskette at the Conference site.
However, in either case we will need
a hard copy of the final version of your paper,
sent to us by ordinary mail or brought at the conference desk.
The Participants in the Conference are offered to buy the Conference Proceedings
at significantly reduced price, which is 40 USD + 8 USD for shipping and
handling. The payment can be made in advance to the Conference bank account,
or in cash at the registration desk (preferable).
The Organizing Committee will highly appreciate if you will be able to
inform us in advance about your intention to buy the Proceedings.
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Conference Presentations
List of Participants ||
Conference Proceedings and Publisher's
Style Files
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