4th International Conference on
Numerical Methods and Applications: NMA'98
August 19 - 23, 1998, Sofia, BULGARIA
National Palace of
Conference Presentations:
The conference will include key and invited lectures, as well as contributed
talks. Duration of the presentations will be
tentatively 45, 35, and 25 min. A conference rule is that each participant will
personally present no more then one talk. Presentation of posters will be
considered, as well.
The conference language will be English.
People wishing to present a paper in a field related to the conference topics
are invited to submit two hard copies of the paper, and its electronic
version in LaTeX format by e-mail. The deadline is March 15, 1998. Papers
should not exceed 12 pages for key and invited lectures, and 8
pages for contributed talks. Notification of acceptance and mandatory
format of the final manuscript will be sent around May 15, 1998.
Conference Proceedings:
Proceedings (in a book form), of only refereed and presented at the
conference papers, will be published.
Abstracts (of a maximum 1 page) are required from all participants wishing to
present a talk at the conference. Abstracts have to be
sent as ASCII files via e-mail. The deadline is March 15, 1998.