Pliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica

Volume 16, 2004

Proceedings of the X International Summer Conference on Probability and Statistics and Seminar on Statistical Data Analysis, Sozopol, 2003

GUEST EDITORS: N.Yanev, D. Vandev


  • ATANASOV, D. Study on Robustness of Strehler-Mildvan Model, pp. 5–12  pageref
  • BAKEVA, V. Probabilistic Models in Cryptography, Coding Theory and Tests for PRNG, pp. 13–22  pageref
  • BOSHNAKOV, G. N. On some Concepts of Residuals, pp. 23–34  pageref
  • DIMOVA, R., NEYKOV, N. Application of the d-fullness Technique for Breakdown Point Study of the Trimmed Likelihood Estimator to a Generalized Logistic Model, pp.35–42  pageref
  • GONZÁLEZ, M., MOLINA, M., PUERTO, I. Recent Results for Supercritical Controlled Branching Processes with Control Random Functions pp. 43–54 pageref
  • IVANOVSKA, S. Monte Carlo Method for Reconstruction of the Densities, pp. 55–64 pageref
  • JACOB, C., LALAM, N. Estimation of the Offspring Mean in a General Single-Type Size-Dependent Branching Process, 65–88 pageref
  • KOLKOVSKA, E. T. On a Stochastic Partial Differential Equation with a Noisy Term, pp. 89–100 pageref
  • LÓPEZ-MIMBELA, J. A. Branching Particle Representations of a Class of Semilinear Equations, pp. 101–120 pageref
  • MATEEV, P., TITIANOVA, E.,TARKKA, I. Gait Measurments and Motor Recovery after Stroke, pp. 121–128 pageref
  • MINKOVA, L. D. A Modified Model of Risk Business, pp. 129–136 pageref
  • MITOV, K.V., YANEV, N. M. Limiting Distributions for Lifetimes in Alternating Renewal Processes, pp. 137–146 pageref
  • MOLINA, M. MOTA, M.RAMOS, A. Discrete Time Bisexual Branching Processes in Varying Environments, pp. 147–158 pageref
  • NADARAJAH, S., MITOV, G. K., MITOV, K.V. An Estimate of the Probability Pr ( X < Y), pp. 159–170 pageref
  • NONCHEVA, V., GAMALLO, P., AGUSTINI, A., LOPES, G.  A Stochastic Approach for Finding of Semantically Related Words, pp. 171–182 pageref
  • ROBEVA, R. S., PITT, L. On the Equality of Sharp and Germ s -fields for Gaussian Processes and Fields, pp. 183–206 pageref
  • SILVA, J., MEXIA, J., COELHO, C.A., LOPES, G. A Statistical Approach for Multilingual Document Clustering, pp. 207–228 pageref
  • SLAVTCHOVA-BOJKOVA, M., BECKER-KERN, P, MITOV, K.V. Total Progeny in a Subcritical Branching Process, pp. 229–244 pageref
  • STOIMENOVA, E., DATCHEVA, M., SCHANZ, T. Application of Two-Phase Regression to Geotechnical Data, pp. 245–258 pageref
  • STOIMENOVA, V., ATANASOV, D., YANEV, N. Simulation and Robust Modifications of Estimates in Branching Processes, pp. 259–272 pageref
  • TARKKA, I.M. Multiple Dipole Source Models for Scalp-Recorded Event-Related Potentials: Example from Complex Visual Processing in the Human Brain, pp. 273–278 pageref
  • TSVETANOVA, Y., GROZEVA, N. Classification of Chenopodium Genus Populations and Species based on Continuous and Categorical Variables, pp. 279–290 pageref
  • VANDEV, D. Interactive Stepwise Discriminant Analysis in MATLAB, pp. 291–298 pageref
  • VANDEV, D., RÖMISCH, U. Comparing Several Methods of Discriminant Analysis on the case of Wine Data, pp. 299–308 pageref
  • VUCHKOV, I.N. Quality Improvement through Experiments with Mixtures, pp. 309–315 pageref


Study on Robustness of Strehler-Mildvan Model

Dimitar Atanasov

Sofia University, Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
5 J. Boucher Str.1407 Sofia, Bulgaria,

The probability that a device will work properly after a certain period of time can be studied using the Strehler-Mildvan model. Let us suppose that the functionality of a device depends on an unknown parameter X, which decreases progressively in time. The device stops working if X goes below a certain given value.

We can use the method of maximum likelihood to estimate the parameters of the model and to estimate the probability of proper work at a future moment using the survival function.

This model can be modified in order to improve its robust performance. We will consider the breakdown properties of the model using the WLTE(k) Estimators and the theory of d -fullness of the set of subcompact functions.

KEY WORDS: robust statistics

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 62F35, 62F15

Probabilistic Models in Cryptography and Coding Theory

Verica Bakeva

The Faculty of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics,
Institute of Informatics, P.O.Box 162
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia,

This paper is a review of some applications of probabilistic models in cryptography, coding theory and tests for pseudo-random number generators (PRNG). Using quasigroup transformations, we design streams cyphers and error-correcting codes with suitable properties. Some tests for pseudo-random number generators are designed, too . They are based on random walk on discrete coordinate plane.

KEY WORDS: quasigroups, stream cypher, tests for pseudo-random number generators, error-correcting codes.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 94A29, 94B70

Total Progeny in a Subcritical Branching Process with Two Types of Immigration

Maroussia Slavtchova-Bojkova, P. Becker-Kern, Kosto V. Mitov2

1Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia  e-mail:
2National Military University, Pleven

We consider subcritical Bellman-Harris branching processes with two types of immigration - one appears whenever the process hits zero state and another one is in accordance of an independent renewal process. The law of large numbers (LLN) for the total progeny of theese processes and Anscombe's type central limit theorem (CLT) for the total number of particles in the cycles completely finished by the moment t are obtained. 


  1. Slavtchova-Bojkova, M. (2002). On the subcritical age-dependent branching processes with two types of immigration. Proc. 31st Spring Conf. of Bulgarian Mathematisians, Borovets , 187-191.

  2. Weiner, H.(1991). Age-dependent branching processes with two types of immigration. J. Inform. Optim. Sci., 12, 207-218.

  3. Nadarajah, S. (2002). Reliability for beta models. Serdica Mathematical Journal, 28, 1001-1016.

  4. Nadarajah, S. (2003). Reliability for lifetime distributions. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, to appear.

KEY WORDS: central limit theorem, total progeny, Bellman-Harris branching processes, law of large numbers, renewal processes.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 60J80, 60F05

On Some Concepts of Residuals

Georgi N. Boshnakov


We introduce confidence residuals and standartised confidence residuals. These residuals may be especially useful for asymmetric and multimodal distributions. 

KEY WORDS: concentration function, confidence density, confidence residual highest density region

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 60E10, 62G15, 62M20

 Application of the d-fullness Technique for Breakdown Point Study of the Trimmed Likelihood Estimator to a Generalized Logistic Model

Rositsa Dimova1  and  Neyko Neykov2

1 Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria
2 National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, BAS, 66 Tsarigradsko chaussee, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria

A new definition for a d -fullness of a set of functions is proposed and its equivalence to the original one given by Vandev is proved. The breakdown point of the WTL(k) estimator of Vandev and Neykov for a grouped binary linear regression model with generalized logistic link is studied.

KEY WORDS: Breakdown Point, Subcompact Function, d-fullness, Robustness, Trimmed Likelihood Estimator, generalized logistic model. 

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 62J12, 62F35

A Statistical Approach for Multilingual Document Clustering and Topic Extraction from Clusters

Joaquim  Silva, Joao Mexia, Carlos A. Coelho, Gabriel Lopes 


This paper describes a statistics-based methodology for document unsupervised clustering and cluster topics extraction.

For this purpose, multiword lexical units (MWUs) of any length are automatically extracted from corpora using the LiPXtractor - a language independent statistics-based tool.

The MWUs are taken as base features to characterize documents. These features are transformed and a document similarity matrix is constructed. From this matrix, a reduced set of features is selected using an approach based on Principal Component Analisys. Then, using the Model Based Clustering Analisys software, it is possible to obtain the best number of clusters. Precision and Recall for document-cluster assignment range above 90 %.

Most important MWUs are extracted from each cluster and taken as document cluster topics.

Results on new document classification will just be mentioned.

KEY WORDS: cluster analysis, applied statistics, document clustering, text mining, topics extraction.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 62H30

Recent Results for Supercritical Controlled Branching Processes with Control Random Functions1

Miguel González, Manuel Molina  and  Inés del Puerto

Department of Mathematics. University of Extremadura. 06071 Badajoz. Spain.,,

In this paper we are concerned with the controlled branching processes with random control functions. Recently, we have considered them under the condition of asymptotically linear growth of the mathematical expectations associated to the random control variables. We present a review of the main results obtained until now, mainly, in the supercritical case. 

KEY WORDS: controlled branching process, extinction problem, limiting behaviour.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 60J80, 60F05 


González, M., Molina, M. and del Puerto, I. On the class of controlled branching processes with random control functions. J. Appl. Prob.  (2002), 39, 804-815.

1This work is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología and the FEDER through the Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, grant BFM2003-06074.

Monte Carlo Method for Reconstruction of the Densities

Sofiya Ivanovska

CLPP - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bonchev St., Bl.25A, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

The present paper considers the problem how to construct the unknown density having N realizations of a random variable using B-splines approximation, least squares method and Monte Carlo method. It is shown that B-splines are appropriate for density modeling. The results from approximation of an unknown density distribution for the considered algorithm are compared with some non-parametric statistical methods such as histogram and kernel density estimation. A large number of experiments are made using Matlab 6.


I. Dimov, A. Karaivanova, Overconvergent Monte Carlo Methods for Density-function Modelling Using B-Splines, Advances in Numerical Methods and Appl., World Scientific, pp. 85-93, 1994.
J. M. Hammersley, D. C. Handscomb, Monte Carlo Methods, Jonh Wiley & Sons, inc., New York, London, Methuen, 1964.
A. Karaivanova, I. Dimov, Error Analysis of an Adaptive Monte Carlo Method for Numerical Integration, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 47, Elsevier, pp.201-213, 1998.
I. Sobol, Monte Carlo Numerical Methods, Nauka, Moscow, 1973.

KEY WORDS: Monte Carlo algorithms

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 65C05

Estimation of the Offspring Mean in a General Single-Type Size-Dependent branching process

Christine JACOB and Nadia LALAM

Laboratoire de Biométrie et Intelligence Artificielle, INRA, France

We consider a general single-type size-dependent branching process {Nn}n such that the offspring mean converges to a limit m ³ 1 with a rate of convergence of order Nna, as the population size Nn grows to ¥, and the variance may increase at the rate Nnb, where -1 £ b < 1. We assume that m(N)=m1(N)+m2(N), where m1(N) depends on an unknown asymptotically identifiable parameter q0 that belongs either to the limit model or to the transient model, and m2(N) is a nuisance term that is assumed asymptotically negligible relatively to m1 (N).

We estimate q0 on the non-extinction set from the observations {Nh,¼,Nn}, by using the conditional least squares method weighted by {Nn-1-g}n. We study the strong consistency of the estimator according to g, with either h or n-h remaining constant as n®¥, by using either the minimum contrast method or a Taylor's approximation of the first derivative of the contrast. The main sufficient and probably also necessary condition for the strong consistency of the transient parameter is that b+2a £ 1. We also give the asymptotic distribution of the estimator by using Rahimov's central limit theorem for random sums and we show that the best rate of convergence is reached for g = 1+b. All the results are independent of the value taken by the nuisance term m2 (N).

KEY WORDS: size-dependent branching process, controlled branching process. 

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 60J80, 62F12, 62P10

On the fractal Burgers equation with a stochastic noisy term

Ekaterina T. Kolkovska

Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas
Guanajuato, Mexico

We review results obtained in [13] and [14] on a one-dimensional Burgers-type stochastic differential equation involving fractional power of the Laplacian in its linear part, perturbed by a whole noise term, with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We discuss existence of weak solutions and regularity of solutions.

KEY WORDS: Burgers equation, white noise, weak and strong solutions, Hilbert space regularity.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 60H15, 60H40

Branching Particle Representations of a Class of Semilinear Equations

José Alfredo López-Mimbela

Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas
Guanajuato, Mexico

We review several probabilistic techniques that were developed in a series of papers to study blowup properties of positive (mild) solutions of semilinear equations of the form :  u(t,x)/ t =Au(t,x)+ub (t,x), u(0,x)=f(x) where  A is the generator of a strong Markov process in a locally compact space S, b > 1  is an integer, and f:S® [0, +¥ ) is bounded and measurable, The emphasis is on probabilistic representation of positive solutions, and on qualitative properties of solutions.


Birkner, M., López-Mimbela, J.A. and Wakolbinger, A. (2002). Blow-up of semilinear PDE's at the critical dimension. A probabilistic approach. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 130, no. 8, 2431-2442
López-Mimbela, J.A. (1996). A probabilistic approach to existence of global solutions of a system of nonlinear differential equations. Aportaciones Matemáticas Notas de Investigación 12, 147-155.

López-Mimbela, J.A. and Wakolbinger, A. (1998). Length of Galton-Watson trees and blow-up of semilinear systems. J. Appl. Prob. 35, 802-811.

López-Mimbela, J.A. and Wakolbinger, A. (2000). A probabilistic proof of non-explosion of a non-linear PDE system. J. Appl. Probab. 37, 635-641.

KEY WORDS: Markov branching process, semilinear partial differential equation, global and nonglobal solutions, mild solutions

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 60J80, 60J85


Gait Measurments and Motor Recovery after Stroke

P. Mateev1, E. Titianova2, I. Tarkka3

1Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia  e-mail:
2Specialized Hospital of Neurology and Psychiatry "St. Naum"
3Brain Research and Rehabilitation Center Neuron, Kuopio, Finland

Gait analysis is one of the methods used for estimation of the degree of restoration of motor recovery after stroke. The purpose of the present study was to examine the disgnostic value of the footprint parameters and their relationship with the functional ambulation profile (FAP) scores provided automatically by the pressure sensor walkway system for gait examination. The patterns of walking were studied in a group of 23 patients with chronic unilateral stroke and 72 healthy subjects. Their predictive value was compared with some other gait indicators for motor recovery after stroke.

KEY WORDS:  gait analysis, recovery after stroke.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 62P10, 92C20

A Modified Model Of Risk Business

Leda D. Minkova

Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

We consider the risk model in which the claim counting process {N(t)} is a modified renewal process. {N(t)} is governed by a sequence of independent and identically distributed inter-occurrence times with a common distribution function with mass at zero equal to r > 0. In the case of r = 0 this model is called the Sparre - Andersen model. The particular case of the Pólya - Aeppli risk model is studied. The Cramér - Lundberg approximation and the martingale approach of the model are given.

KEY WORDS: Pólya - Aeppli risk model, ruin probability, Cramér - Lundberg approximation.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 60K10, 62P05

Limiting Distributions for Lifetimes in Alternating Renewal Processes1

Kosto V. Mitov1  and Nickolay M. Yanev2

1Faculty of Aviation
National Military University, Pleven

2Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria

The spent life time and the residual life time are well investigated characteristics of an ordinary renewal process. In the present paper a generalization of these lifetime processes associated with an alternating renewal process is considered. Limiting distributions are presented in the case of infinite mean renewal periods.


  1. W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, vol.2, Wiley, New York, 1966.

  2. K.B. Erickson, Strong renewal theorems with infinite mean, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 151, 1970, 263-291.

  3. K.V. Mitov and N.M. Yanev, Limit theorems for alternating renewal processes in the infinite mean case, Adv. Appl. Prob. 33, 2001, 896-911.

  4. K.V. Mitov and N.M. Yanev, Regenerative processes in the infinite mean cycle case, J. Appl. Prob. 38, 2001, 165-179.

KEY WORDS: alternating renewal processes, spent working time, spent waiting time, residual working time, limiting disributions, infinite mean renewal periods.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 60K05

1 The paper is supported by NFSI-Bulgaria, Grant No. MM-1101/2001

Discrete Time Bisexual Branching Processes in Varying Environments2

Manuel Molina, Manuel Mota  and  Alfonso Ramos

Department of Mathematics. University of Extremadura. 06071 Badajoz. Spain.,,

 This paper concerns with the bisexual branching process in varying enviroments introduced in [2]. For such a model a survey of results is provided. Previously, brief descriptions about the bisexual branching process and some bisexual models derived from it are given.

KEY WORDS:  discrete time branching processes, bisexual processes, branching processes in varying environments .

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 60J80


    (1) D. J. Daley. Extinction conditions for certain bisexual Galton-Watson branching processes. Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitst., (1968), 9, 315-322.
    (2) M. Molina, M. Mota and A. Ramos. Bisexual Galton-Watson branching process in varying environments. Stoch. Anal. Appl., (2003), 21, 1353-1367

An Estimate of the Probability Pr(X < Y)

Saralees Nadarajah1, Georgi K. Mitov2 and  Kosto V. Mitov3

1Department of Mathematics
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620, USA

2Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria

3Faculty of Aviation
National Military University, Pleven

In the area of stress-strength models there has been a large amount of work as regards estimation of the probability R = Pr(X < Y) when X and Y are independent random variables belonging to the same univariate family of distributions. In this paper we propose an estimate of this quantity based on a simple property of the uniform distribution. We illustrate the use of the estimate with bootstrap confidence intervals for four commonly known distributions (normal, exponential, gamma and beta).


  1. Downton, F. (1973). On the estimation of Pr(Y < X) in the normal case. Technometrics, 15 , 551-558.

  2. Ihaka, R. and Gentleman, R. (1996). R: A language for data analysis and graphics. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5, 299-314.

  3. Nadarajah, S. (2002). Reliability for beta models. Serdica Mathematical Journal, 28, 1001-1016.

  4. Nadarajah, S. (2003). Reliability for lifetime distributions. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, to appear.

KEY WORDS: beta distribution, bootstrap confidence intervals, exponential distribution, gamma distribution, normal distribution, stress-strength, uniform disribution.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 33C90, 62E99

A Stochastic Approach for Finding of Semantically Related Words

Veska Noncheva14, Pablo Gamallo2 and  Alexandre Agustini25

1Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Plovdiv University  e-mail:
2Dept. of Computer Science,
New University of Lisbon, Portugal

Semantically related words are modelled as words having the same probability distribution on the set of ssyntatic contexts occuring in text corpora. A learning algorithm for finding of clusters of semantically related words is developed. In that algorithm c2 statistics is used as a performance measure.


1. Pablo Gamallo, Alexandre Agustini, and Gabriel P. Lopes. Using co-composition for acquiring syntactic and semantic subcategorisation. In ACL-SIGLEX'02, Philadelphia, USA, 2002.

2. Pablo Gamallo, Caroline Gasperin, Alexandre Agustini, and Gabriel P. Lopes. Syntactic-based methods for measuring word similarity. In V. Mautner, R. Moucek, and K. Moucek, editors, Text, Speech, and Discourse (TSD-2001), pages 116-125. Berlin:Springer Verlag, 2001.

3. Gregory Grefenstette. Explorations in Automatic Thesaurus Discovery. Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA, 1994.

4. Z. Harris. Distributional structure. In J.J. Katz, editor, The Philosophy of Linguistics, pages 26-47. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.

5. Dekang Lin. Automatic retrieval and clustering of similar words. In COLINGACL'98, Montreal, 1998.

6. N. Marqes and G.P. Lopes. Tagging with small training corpora. In F. Hoffmann,

D. Hand, N. Adams, D. Fisher, and G. Guimaraes, editors, Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis, pages 62-72. LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2001.

7. Noncheva V., J.F.Silva, and G. Lopes. Automatic acquisition of word interaction patterns from corpora. In 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computation Linguistics, EACL-03 Workshop on Language Modeling for Text Entry Methods, Budapest, Bulgaria, 2003.


KEY WORDS: syntatic context, semantic preferences, c2 goodness of fit test.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 62P99, 68T50

On the Equality of Sharp and Germ s -fields for Gaussian processes and fields

Loren D. Pitt1 and Raina S. Robeva2

1Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia, USA
2Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sweet Briar College, USA

There is no universally accepted agreement in the literature defining the Markov property for random fields and various definitions are in use. Specifically, if F[( def) || =] {f(x) : x Î Rn } is a random field and G Ì Rn, define the sharp s-field of F as F(F, G)[( def) || =] s{f(x): x Î G} and the germ s-field of F as [`(F)](F,G) [( def) || =]Çe > 0F(F,Ge) , where Ge is the uniform neighborhood { x:   dist(x, G) < e} of G. When G is a closed set separating Rn into two complementary open sets D+ and D-, the following definitions were introduced by Pitt in [1]: F is said to satisfy the germ field Markov property at G if the s-fields [`(F)](F, D+) and [`(F)]( F,D-) are conditionally independent given [`(F )](F,G). If the random field F satisfies the more restrictive condition that [`(F)]( F,D+) and [`(F)]( F,D-) conditionally independent given F (F,G), F is said to satisfy the sharp Markov property at G. In [2] on the other hand, Dalang and Walsh use slightly different definitions: F is said to satisfy the germ field Markov property at G if the s-fields F(F, D+) and F( F,D-) are conditionally independent given [`(F )]( F,G) and to satisfy the sharp Markov property at G when F( F,D+) and F( F,D-) are conditionally independent given F(F,G ).

Thus, to determine when the definitions in [1] and [2] coincide and to find conditions that imply the equivalence of the germ field and the sharp Markov properties, the following question needs consideration: If S Ì Rn, what conditions on the set S imply that F(F, S) = [`(F)](F ,S)?

For Gaussian random fields F, we present a general answer to this question as a necessary and sufficient condition for spectral synthesis in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space associated with F . More detailed conditions are derived for Gaussian fields that arise as solutions of certain pseudo-differential equations.


[1] Pitt, L. D. (1971). A Markov Property for Gaussian Processes with Multidimensional Parameter. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 43 367-391.

[2] Dalang, R.C., Walsh, J.B. (1992). The Sharp Markov Property of The Brownian Sheet and Related Processes. Acta Math. 168 153-218.


KEY WORDS: 60G15, 60G60

2000 AMS Subject Classification: Gaussian processes, Gaussian fields, germ fields, sharp Markov property, spectral syntesis.

Application of Two-phase Regression to Geotechnical Data

Eugenia Stoimenova1,    Maria Datcheva2 and Tom Schanz2

1Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia  e-mail:
2Laboratory of Soil Mechanics
Universität Weimar

A method for estimating a transition parameter in two-phase regression is described. The two phases are fitted and simultaneously the transition point is estimated. Practical application of the method is demonstrated on the data for determining soil hydraulic properties.

KEY WORDS: two-phase regression, transition point,air entry value.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 62F10, 62J05, 62P30

Simulation and Robust Modifications of  Estimates in Branching Processes

Vessela Stoimenova1, D. Atanasov, Nickolay Yanev2

1Sofia University, Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
5 J. Boucher Str.1407 Sofia, Bulgaria,
2Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,
Bulgarian Academy of Science,
8 Acad. G. Bontchev Str. 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

This study is focused on the comparison and modification of different estimates arising in the branching processes. Simulations of models with or without migration are put through. Due to the complexity of the computations the algorithms are designed with the language of technical computing MATLAB. Using the simulations, estimates of the offspring mean of the generated processes are calculated. It is well known in the literature that under certain conditions the asymptotic distribution of the estimates is proved to be normal. Using the asymptotic normality a modified method of maximum likelihood is proposed. The aim is to obtain trimmed maximum likelihood estimates based on several sample paths with the same number of generations. Thus in a natural way the observations, inconsistent with the aprior information about the asymptotic normality are excluded from the model. The computation of the standard error allows the comparison of different types of estimates.


Multiple Dipole Source Models for Scalp-Recorded Event-Related Potentials: Example from Complex Visual Processing in the Human Brain


Brain Research and Rehabilitation Center Neuron, Kuopio, Finland

Electrical activity of the human brain can be recorded on the scalp. One of the advantages of the electrical recordings is the high temporal resolution by which e.g. cognitive processes can be followed from millisecond to millisecond. It is not uncommon to record simultaneously 128 electrode sites with high sampling rate and thus advanced mathematical and statistical methods are needed to sufficiently process the obtained data. Here an example of the analysis of data recorded during a complex visual processing task is presented. Using advanced methods large amounts of data can be reduced and new information of the function of the human brain can be invstigated.

KEY WORDS:  electroencephalography, source modelling, visual recignition.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 62P10, 92C20

Classification of Chenopodium Genus Populations and Species Based on Continuous and Categorical Variables

Yanka Tsvetanova, Neli Grozeva

Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

The estimation of statistical distance between populations arises in many multivariate analysis techniques. Whereas distance measures for continuous data are well developed, those for mixed discrete and continuous data are less so because of the lack of a standard model for such data. Such mixture of variables arise frequently in the field of medicine, biometry, psychology, econometrics and only comparatively few models have been developed for evaluating distance between populations. The aim of the presented paper is to apply methods for analysis of dissimilarity between 44 populations of 13 species of Ghenopodium genus, presented by 15 variables – 10 continuous and 5 categorical. The previously developed by another authors distance measures between populations presented by mixed attributes turned out not appropriate for the available data of Ghenopodium genus, . The matrices with distances between populations and species were used as input for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis to explore the taxonomic structure of the Ghenopodium genus.

KEY WORDS: distance between populations based on continuous and discrete variables, genus Ghenopodium, cluster analysis.

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 62P10, 62H30

Interactive Discriminant Analysis in MATLAB 6

Dimitar Vandev

Sofia University

Th program ldagui.m is an interactive tool for linear and quadratic discriminant analysis. The reason for developing such a tool consists in failing of conformity with conventional statistical programs in following aspects: treating of missing data; interaction with the user; testing the quality of obtained models.

KEY WORDS: stepwise discriminant analysis linear quadratic MATLAB

2000 AMS Subject Classification:

6 Research supported by contracts: PRO-ENBIS: GTC1-2001-43031 and WINE DB: G6RD-CT-2001-00646

Comparing Several Methods of Discriminant Analysis on the Case of Wine Data7

Dimitar Vandev1, Ute Römisch2

1Sofia University
2TU - Berlin

The main problem of this European wine project (WINE-DB) is the identification of the geographical origin based on chemico-analytical measurements. At first the type of data collected in preparation of this project will be analysed.

Then different procedures of Discriminant Analysis are described. Our special attention will be focused to some new techniqies as Support Vector Mashines (also known as Kernel Mashines) - procedures from the field of Mashine Learning.

We test traditional techniques of Linear, Quadratic and Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis as well as the Support Vector Mashines on the base of our data and comment the results.

KEY WORDS: application linear quadratic discriminant analysis SVM

2000 AMS Subject Classification: 62H30, 62J20, 62P12, 68T99

7The research is supported by contracts: PRO-ENBIS: GTC1-2001-43031 and WINE DB: G6RD-CT-2001-00646

Quality Improvement through Experiments with Mixtures


University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
1756 Sofia, Bulgaria

Component amounts in a mixture formulation are often set with errors in mass production. That causes variations in the product performance characteristic and the product quality of such products is low. A quality improvement problem arises, which is defined so that to minimize this variation while keeping the performance characteristic on a preliminary given target.

The component proportions in mixture models are ratios of component amounts. Therefore they are nonlinear functions of the errors in the component amounts. This makes the problem of error transmission in mixture experiments quite specific and the known models of error transmission cannot be directly applied.

In this paper we propose explicit models of mean and variance of a mixture performance characteristic for the case when the mixture amounts are set with errors in the production process. They are based on Taylor expansion up to third order terms of a mixture model expressed through the component amounts. Properties of these models are studied.

An example from rubber industry is given.


2 This work is supported by the Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Extremadura y el Fondo Social Europeo, grant IPR00A056 and by the Plan Nacional de Investigación científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, grant BFM2000-0356

3 Research supported by the Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Extremadura and the Fondo Social Europeo, grant TEM02/0007. The paper is also supported by Grant MM-1101/02 by the National Foundation for Scientific Investigations, Bulgaria.

4 Supported by a grant from the PRAXIS XXI project, FCT, Portugal

5Supported by a grant from CAPES, Brazil


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