Dedicated to

Vesselin Drensky
Professor, PhD, DSc, Member of BASVesselin Drensky obtained his Ph.D. in 1979 at Moscow State University and in 1998 he received the degree D.Sc. at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in Sofia. In 1999 he became a full professor at IMI-BAS and in 2012 he was elected Academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He retired in March 2021.
In his scientific career, Vesselin Drensky made major contributions to the fields of Combinatorial and Computational Ring Theory, Algebras with Polynomial Identities, Commutative and Noncommutative Invariant Theory, Representation Theory of Groups and many other related fields.
Some of his contributions include the development of the interplay of the representations of the symmetric and general linear groups in the context of PI algebras, Counterexamples to the Specht Problem for nonassociative algebras, a new proof of Nowicki’s Conjecture, computation of the Hilbert series of the algebras of invariants of the special linear group, constructions of minimal bases of the polynomial identities of the full matrix algebra of order 2, and of the simple Lie algebra of dimension 3, description of the multilinear structure of the corresponding relatively free algebras, the proof of the Strong Anick conjecture, the solution of a problem posed by Procesi concerning the identities of matrix algebras in positive characteristic, the construction of central polynomials of low degrees for matrix algebras, and many others.
Drensky is the author of over 170 journal papers and two monographs. He supervised 4 PhD students, more than 10 master students, and several post-doctoral researchers. He was an active participant in the training of school students in Bulgaria for the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Recordings of the conference
Contact Us
Programme and Organizing Committee:
- Plamen Koshlukov, State University of Campinas, Brazil (Chairman)
- Ivan Chipchakov, IMI-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria (Chairman)
- Velichka Milousheva, IMI-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Elitza Hristova, IMI-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Peter Danchev, IMI-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Block 8
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
(+359 2) 979-38-28