RPN in JavaScript


Links of Relevance

The current ‘ECMAScript Language Specification’, in two editions:
ISO/IEC 22275:2018(E)
Standard ECMA-262

ECMAScript language specification in a web-browsable form

‘The modern JavaScript tutorial’

Home page for JavaScript information at Mozilla Developer Center
JavaScript Guide
JavaScript Reference
Using the W3C DOM Level 1 Core
Douglas Crockford's page on JavaScript
A survey of an old version of the language: succinct and to the point, but lacking modern features

Eloquent JavaScript.  A modern introduction to programming: an on-line book and a sandbox; also in PDF

Books on JavaScript, mostly available online

JavaScript allongé: a book (available on-line) that emphasizes the use of functional-programming techniques with JavaScript

jQuery  dojo  Prototype  Rico  YUI  Ext JS  MochiKit  MooTools  qooxdoo  AngularJS  React  Vue.js 
JavaScript libraries/toolkits/frameworks for development of dynamic web applications

Knockout: a JavaScript library featuring declarative binding for DOM access

Closure: a code optimizer, a library, and a templating system for JavaScript from Google

RequireJS: a file and module loader for JavaScript

Jison: a clone of Yacc+Lex written in, and for use in, JavaScript

JSLint: a JavaScript program that checks the quality of JavaScript code

Node.js: a JavaScript programming platform with an extensive module library

Deno: a JavaScript programming platform, meant as an improvement over Node.js

V8  Duktape  MuJS  QuickJS  JerryScript  mJS
Embeddable engines and standalone interpreters for JavaScript

JSDB: a JavaScript-based language for DBMS, CGI, and web server programming

CoffeeScript: a compiler that provides different syntax for JavaScript

three.js: a JavaScript 3D engine using HTML5/canvas, SVG and WebGL
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): a widely used text format for the serialization of structured data based on the literal array and object notation of JavaScript (ECMAScript)
