Sofa Moving Problem

or If the Movers Had Been Mathematicians

0 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10 > 11 > 12

Making the Construction 2/2

Now clear up and tidy up the screen (use the Show Object or Show Name in the Object Properties dialog) to obtain the given drawing.

We will take the ends of the pole on the outer walls of the hallways. One of the ends will glide along the first wall and the other one (it will be dependent upon the first end) will glide along the second wall. We will also use a slider p for the pole length. Try to make the construction yourself.

Tips and Tricks. The minimum value of the slider p could be 1 (why?). The increment could be 0.05 or less, if you want to have more accurate results.
Take one point on the first wall. Find the other end as the intersection point of the second wall and a circle with center at the first end and radius equal to p. If the circle and the second wall do not intersect, increase the value of p or move point A (Steps 17-22).
The slider and the segment cannot have the same name. Use the Object Properties dialog to add a capture p to the segment AB.


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