logo of the Regional Ethnographic Museum - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
logo of the Regional Ethnographic Museum - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

The Bride`s Dress (Clothing)

Floral Decoration (Zaraflatsi).

Floral Decoration (Zaraflatsi)

FFloral Decoration (Zaraflatsi).

Floral Decoration (Zaraflatsi)

The bride was veiled in a beautiful headscarf.

In folklore culture, clothing is seen as a person’s double, a second skin, whose role is to protect them from the surrounding world. Each element - shirt, apron, scarf, has a certain meaning and has its own symbolism. The headscarf is magical; it covers the hair which is believed to be the source of female power. After the wedding, the woman cannot walk with uncovered hair. The headscarf is a sign of age and social status.

It is decorated with zaraflatzi (keneta, sewn lace), which are proof of the skills and aesthetics of the Bulgarian wife and her sense of detail. What differentiates them is the use of horsehair as a base for knitting specific knots. Zaraflatzi are crafted in colourful cotton and silk threads. They are adornments placed on shirts, scarves, kitchen towels.

Floral Decoration (Zaraflatsi).

Floral Decoration (Zaraflatsi)

Brides in traditional costumes - black and white photo.

Brides in Traditional Costumes

The story continues in salon № 2, 2nd floor.

!!! To hear the story from the beginning, walk back to hall № 1, „Agriculture”, 1st floor and start all over. First Story

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This site was developed by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences by project “Digital Accessibility for People with Special Needs: Methodology, Conceptual Models and Innovative EcoSystems”, funded by the Scientifics Research Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria through Grant Number KP-06-N42/4, 08.12.2020
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The sound files were made with the assistance of Radio Plovdiv.

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© 2022, Regional Ethnographic Museum - Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2 Dr. S. Chomakov Street
ethnograph@abv.bg www.ethnograph.info