Internacional Scientific Conference - Living Cultural Heritage: Safeguarding, Practices, Information Technologies
The forum is aimed to the theme for preservation, presentation and digitization of the cultural heritage and has interdisciplinary nature. The leading purpose is the broad-spectrum interpretation of the concept of living cultural heritage. On the one hand - as a phenomenon of the living cultural practices and in general - as a scientifically systematized digital content of various tangible and intangible values from museums, archives, community centers etc. Sharing the Bulgarian and foreign experience in specialized and interdisciplinary scientific research, the exchange of modern information technology solutions as well, will be useful in achieving meaningful and technologically renewed living knowledge about the cultural heritage.
Research institutes, universities, cultural institutions, organizations are invited in order to exchange experience, ideas and results on the subject of the conference.
Within the conference, reports of scientists and young specialists are presented:
scientific reports - up to 20 min;
messages and presentations - up to 10 min.
The results of the conference will be published afre review in online publications of INIS network.
Participation fee:
50 Euro - The fee is to be paid after received approval for participation.
Institute of ethnology and folklore sciences with Ethnographic Museum to Bulgarian Academy of Science
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics to Bulgarian Academy of Science
“St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria