Special Seminar: Accessible Learning and Technologies (SALT)

Within the framework of ICL2024 conference: Futureproofing Engineering Education for Global Responsibility

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ICL2024 Conference Agenda - Program

Title: Special Seminar: Accessible Learning and Technologies
Acronym: SALT
* The seminar "Accessible Learning and Technologies" is partially funded by the Scientifics Research Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria through Grant Number KP-06-N42/4 (Project "Digital Accessibility for People with Special Needs: Methodology, Conceptual Models and Innovative EcoSystems")


This seminar includes papers related to accessibility and accessible learning with related technologies, resources, standards, repositories, policies, methods, environments and best examples. Accessibility (incl. people with disabilities) is not wishful thinking anymore, it is a must and an obligation for institutions, organizations, and education facilities in different nations and countries across the world (and especially in EU), part of human development. Technologies also develop fast and enable new ways for communication and presentation of information in ways that are more interactive, understandable and adjustable to different needs. An estimated 1.3 billion people – or 16% of the global population, or 1 of every 6 experience significant disability, according to WHO (https://shorturl.at/lmrX3, 2020-2021). One of every 4 people in the EU happens to live with a disability in their life and the percentage rate is increasing considering EU demography. Worldwide technologies, practices, laws and policies at national and international level are improving toward more inclusive and accessible education, including for people with different disabilities, as education and cultural access is part of human rights and policies for peace and human development.


Program Committee



Organazing Committee

Session SS5: SALT Agenda - Program

Date: 26-09-2024 (Thursday), Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm, Location: Room U04-103 (TalTech, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia Building 4, first floor)
Session Chair: Galina Bogdanova

Juliana Dochkova-Todorova, Mirena Todorova-Ekmekci - Web Model for Digital Lifelong Learning of Culture and Folklore

Fabian Pavel Velicea, Elena Alexandra Ghimbășan, Răzvan Costin Filip, Gabriel Mihail Danciu, Csaba Zoltán Kertész - Programming Examination Platform: Generative AI-Driven Evaluation Tool for Computer Programming Classes

Mirena Todorova-Ekmekci, Vesela Georgieva, Galina Bogdanova - Research, Recommendations and Knowledge Transfer for Digitalisation and Accessibility of Cultural Heritage

Marwa Ben Ali, Lars Jakobs, Reda Makeda Fasil, Angelika Hofer, Erwin Rauch - Empowering Female Academics: A Needs Analysis Study in Ethiopia and Djibouti Universities

Lars Jakobs, Marwa Ben Ali, Reda Makeda Fasil, Erwin Rauch - Analyzing European Best Practices for Establishing Female Makerspaces in Ethiopia and Djibouti

Kalina Sotirova-Valkova, Mirena Todorova-Ekmekci - Digital Accessibility Guide for Educators: Creating Accessible Content

Remote Session 4E Agenda - Program

Remote Session 4E, Date: 26-09-2024 (Thursday), Time: (8:00am - 9:30am), Location: Room U05-216 (TalTech, Building 5, second floor)
Session Chair: Margus Müür

Iskra Trifonova, Malinka Ivanova - Following the GDPR to Preserve Data Privacy in an eLearning Environment

Svitlana Gryshko, Vagan Terziyan, Mariia Golovianko - Resilience Training in Higher Education: AI-Assisted Collaborative Learning

Armin Egetenmeier, Sven Strickroth - Data Collection in Traditional Learning Environments: New Opportunities for Analytics?

Maya Dimitrova, Neda Chehlarova, Galina Bogdanova, Aleksandar Krastev, Negoslav Sabev, Nikolay Noev - Math Lesson on Counting 3D Printed Geometric Shapes in an Inclusive Class

Ibolya Tomory - Linking traditional and Western-style education in Africa: The missing link - the "Soft skills"

Shobhit Shakya, Ludmila Dohnalova, Carlos Cuevas Garcia, Erkki Karo, Patrik Mottl - Formula Student: Assessing the Future of the Established Student-Led Engineering Competition

Fatima El Ali, Nathalie Al Kakoun, Mohammad Harb - Rethinking Engineering Materials Course: A “Studio” Case Study

Younes Zahrou, Younes Zidani, Salah Nissabouri, Khalifa Mansouri - Enhancing Technical Drawing Education: A Study of Augmented Reality Versus Physical Models

Remote Session 6E Agenda - Program

Remote Session 6E, Date: 26-09-2024 (Thursday), Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm, Location: Room U05-216 (TalTech, Building 5, second floor)
Session Chair: Margus Müür, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Svetlana V Barabanova, Vladimir V. Nasonkin, Nataliya V. Nikonova, Artemiy A. Rozhnov - Online Courses As a Tool Of The Educational Process: Organizational And Legal Aspects

Olga Maksimenkova, Sergey Lebedev, Denis Pozdnyakov - Game Development Education: Syllabus Motivation for Software Engineering Bachelor Students

Panom Kaewphadee, Adisorn Ode-sri, Thomas Köhler, Paweeya Raknim, Pongsakorn Sanguansak - Writing Techniques for the Learning, Preservation, and Promotion of Tai Khun Cultural Heritage at Pa Pong, Thailand on Digital Platforms

Janka Pecuchová, Martin Drlík - The Role of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Assessment of Open-Ended Questions

Negoslav Sabev Sabev - Fundamental Legislation on Digital Accessibility Issues

Sam Toorchi Roodsari, Thomas Köhler, Shahram Azizi Ghanbari - Artificial Intelligence-based Learning Objective-Oriented Formative Feedback for Students in Higher Education Based on the Instructional Design

Tannur Bakytkazy, Kuralay Nurgaliyeva, Nursultan Japashov, Nurman Zhumabay - Examining the Pedagogical Abilities and Needs of Kazak Physics Teachers to Implement STEM education


INIS: Interdisciplinary Scientific Network - Information Society

ICL2024: 27th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 24–27 September 2024, TalTech, Tallinn, Estonia