International Workshops

Contents of the Proceedings

Contents of 1st TMSF Workshop

Contents of 2nd TMSF Workshop

" Transform Methods & Special Functions, Sofia'94 '' (Proc. 1st Internat. Workshop.
Ed-s: P. Rusev, I. Dimovski, V. Kiryakova). SCTP - Singapore, 1995, 380 p.


A. Al-Zamel. The Epstein-Hubbell elliptic-type integral and its applications ::1
P. Antosik, W. Kierat, K. Skornik. Some algebraic properties of derivatives ::8
I. Dimovski, R. Petrova. Finite integral transforms of the third kind for nonlocal boundary value problems ::18
D. Dryanov, V. Vatchev. On trigonometric polynomials of minimal $L_{(\alpha,\beta)}$-deviation ::33
E. M. Elabd. Commutants and multipliers related to the first order Volterra integro-differential operator ::37
S. Fukui. The real part of certain analytic functions ::48
H.-Y. Glaeske. Some remarks on the Zernicke transform ::54
R. Gorenflo, R. Rutman. On ultraslow and intermediate processes ::61
R. N. Kalia. Integral transforms, fractional calculus and special functions ::82
S. L. Kalla. Applications and approximations of special functions ::93
A. Kilbas, M. Saigo. On asymptotics of Fox's $H$-function at zero and infinity ::99
V. Kiryakova. Generalized fractional calculus, special functions and integral transforms ::123
S. Krasinska. On the zeros of some quasipolynomial ::150
A. Lecko, T. Yaguchi. On subclasses of typically-real functions connected with some differential operator ::155
E. R. Love. Mehler's integral and fractional integration ::162
F. Mainardi, M. Tomirotti. On a special function arising in the time fractional diffusion-wave equation ::171
S. Mincheva. Automorphisms in the commutant of the generalized integration operator in the space of locally holomorphic functions ::184
D. Nikolic-Despotovic. Some asymptotic expansions at infinity of tempered distributions ::190
K. Nishimoto. On Nishimoto's fractional calculus (Operator $N^{\nu}$, inverse of Nishimoto's transformation and some applications) ::199
S. Owa. Fractional calculus of analytic functions ::213
J. Paneva-Konovska. On the singularities of Bessel expansions ::220
I. Podlubny. Solution of linear fractional differential equations with constant coefficients ::227
D. Przeworska-Rolewicz. Some applications of logarithmic and anti-logarithmic mappings to nonlinear equations in Leibniz $D$-algebras ::238
S. Rolewicz. Convexity versus linearity ::253
P. G. Rooney. On the Hankel transformation ::264
P. Rusev. An improvement of the T. M. Cherry's asymptotic formula for the Weber-Hermite function ::272
M. Saigo, A. Kilbas. Generalized fractional integrals and derivatives in H\"older spaces ::282
H. Saitoh. A linear operator and its applications of first order Differential subordinations ::294
T. Sekine. Distortion theorems for fractional differential operators on certain generalized class ::303
Shih-Tong Tu, Ding-Kuo Chyan. A certain family of infinite series, differintegrable functions and psi-functions ::310
K. Skornik. On some functional relations with orthogonal polynomials ::317
J. Sokol. On some natural generalization of starlikeness with respect to symmetric points ::328
J. Stankiewicz, Z. Stankiewicz, K. Wilczek. Convexity of some functions defined by an integral operator ::335
B. Stankovic. Abelian and Tauberian theorems for integral transforms of generalized functions ::344
D. Takaci, A. Takaci. The character of the solution of the second order operator difference equation ::356
Vu Kim Tuan, R. Gorenflo. Hardy type inequalities for fractional integral operators ::364
R. Yamakawa. Some examples of Sakaguchi functions ::370

List of Participants ::374
Appendix (Photomaterials of the Workshop) ::375-380

" Transform Methods & Special Functions, Varna'96 '' (Proc. 2nd Internat. Workshop.
Ed-s: P. Rusev, I. Dimovski, V. Kiryakova). IMI - BAS, Sofia, 1998 , 612 p.


G. Adamczyk. On a generalization of the theorem on two constants ::1
A. Antonevich. On a construction of the solutions of some elliptic equations with generalized coefficients ::7
P. Antosik. Elementary proofs of some classical theorems ::15
G. Balikov, I. Dimitrov. Some non-metrizable spaces of harmonic functions ::24
E. Bazhlekova. Duhamel-Type representations of the solutions of non-local boundary value problems for the fractional diffusion-wave equation ::32
J. Betancor, L. Rodriguez-Mesa. Pointwise convergence for Hankel transform ::41
B. Bonilla, J. Trujillo, M. Rivero. On fractional order continuity, integrability and derivability of real functions ::48
N. Bozhinov. On the root functions of a nonlocal Sturm-Liouville problem ::56
P. Butzer, S. Jansche. Mellin transform theory and the role of its differential and integral operators ::63
D. Callebaut. Exact solution of some systems of non-selfadjoint partial differential equations ::84
H.-J. Dobner, S. Ritter. Numerical computation of Lame functions ::91
J. Dziok. Some extremal problems for $p$-valent alpha-convex functions ::100
B. Fisher, A. Kilicman. An extension of a result on the convolution product of distributions ::107
M.A. El-Gabali, S.L. Kalla. Simple algorithms for approximations of generalized elliptic-type integrals ::114
H.-J. Glaeske. On Zernicke polynomials ::121
R. Gorenflo. The tomato salad problem in spherical stereology ::132
N. Hayek, J. Trujillo, M. Rivero, B. Bonilla, J. Moreno. On existence of solutions of ordinary differential equations of fractional order ::150
J. Jelinek. A Tauberian theorem for distributions ::159
S.L. Kalla, H.G. Khajah. Radiation field integrals and their evaluation techniques ::164
A. Kaminski. On the product of distributions ::178
N. Kamiya. On isotopies of algebras and triple systems ::188
S. Kanas, A. Lecko. Univalence criteria connected with arithmetic and geometric means, I. ::201
S. Kempfle, H. Beyer. Global and causal solutions of fractional linear differential equations ::210
W. Kierat, K. Skornik. On the applications of Mikusinski's operational calculus to the controllability of dynamical systems ::227
A. Kilbas, M. Saigo. Application of fractional calculus to solve Abel-Volterra nonlinear and linear integral equations ::236
Yong Chan Kim. A note on linear operators and fractional calculus operators in the univalent function theory ::264
S. Krasinska. Application of the generalized Mikhaylov criterion ::273
A. Lazinska. On some classes of holomorphic functions in the half-plane ::278
E.R. Love, M. Hunter. Expansions in series of Legendre functions ::288
W. Luh. Intersections with Gronwall methods ::300
F. Mainardi. Applications of fractional calculus in mechanics ::309
S. Mincheva. Automorphisms in the commutant of the integration operator in spaces of Lebesgue integrable functions ::335
S. Owa. Applications of fractional calculus operators to univalent functions ::345
I. Podlubny. Application of orthogonal polynomials to solution of fractional integral equations ::350
A. Prudnikov, U. Skornik. A remark on Watson transform ::360
O. Repin. Generalized operators of fractional integro-differentiation in meaning of M. Saigo and their applications ::368
B. Rubin, D. Ryabogin, E. Shamir. Fractional integrals and wavelet transforms ::377
M. Saigo, N. Maeda. More generalization of fractional calculus ::386
H. Saitoh. On certain subclasses of analytic functions involving a linear operator ::401
E. Savas. On some sequence spaces ::412
N. Shawagfeh. A class of integro-differential equations via fractional calculus ::417
J. Sokol, W. Szumny. On some extreme points of the unit ball ::423
S. Spirova. Hyper-Bessel operators, differential equations, functions and integral transforms of 4th order ::428
H.M. Srivastava. Some operational techniques in the theory of special functions ::446
J. Stankiewicz. Convolution in the theory of univalent functions ::466
T. Stoyanov. Some extensions of the Rolle and Gauss-Lucas theorems ::473
K. Takano. On infitely divisible probability distributions and integral equations ::476
R. Tremblay, B. J. Fugere. Generating functions related to pairs of inverse functions ::484
N. Tretyakova. The integral transforms connected with the group representations ::496
L. Trojnar-Spelina. On some integral operators in the class of functions with negative coefficients ::502
J. Trujillo, M. Rivero, B. Bonilla. On a new generalized Taylor's formula ::508
M. Valbuena, L. Galue, I. Ali. Some properties of the finite Laplace transform ::517
Vu Kim Tuan. Airy integral transform and the Paley-Wiener theorem ::523
A. Wisniowska. On starlike functions related with hyperbolic regions ::532

Session Devoted to 100th Anniversary of N. Obreshkoff

Editorial. Nikola Obreshkoff (1896-1963), Biographical Data & 100 Selected Papers of Acad. N. Obreshkoff ::541
P. Rusev. Obreshkoff's generalization of Descartes rule::551
I. Dimovski, V. Kiryakova. Obrechkoff's generalization of the Laplace and Meijer transforms: origins and recent developments ::557

Round Table Discussion: " Physical and Geometrical Meanings and Applications of Fractional Calculus' Operators"

V. Kiryakova. The longstanding conjecture failed? ::579
R. Gorenflo. Afterthoughts on interpretation of fractional derivatives and integrals ::589
S. Kempfle. Modelling viscous damped oscillations by fractional differential operators ::592
F. Mainardi. Considerations on fractional calculus: Interpretations and applications ::594
K. Oldham. An introduction to the fractional calculus and some applications ::598

List of Participants ::611
Photo of participnats ::612


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