Seminar of Algebra and Logic in 2012
Department of Algebra and Logic, IMI/BAS

Usual time: Fridays, 11 am. Usual location: room 578, IMI/BAS

December 21

Annual Report Session
of the Department of Algebra and Logic

July 20  

Seonja Kim, Chungwoon University, Korea
Secant Planes and Non-special Bundles on Curves

July 18

Youngook Choi, Yeungnam University, Korea
Projective Normality of Projective Curves

June 15

Radoslav Pavlov
Alan Turing - the enigmatic genius of the information age
Abstract in Bulgarian

June 8  

Vesselin Drensky
Central Polynomials for the Matrix Algebras
Abstract in Bulgarian

June 1  

Plamen Siderov, Sofia University
Radically Closed Fields

May 18  

Ilinka Dimitrova, Southwestern University - Blagoevgrad
The Maximal Subsemigroups of Semigroups of Transformations Preserving or Reversing the Orientation

May 11  

Azniv Kasparian, Sofia University
Quasi-projective Surfaces, Covered by the Ball, part II

April 27  

Azniv Kasparian, Sofia University
Quasi-projective Surfaces, Covered by the Ball, part I
Abstract in Bulgarian

April 20  

Peter Dalakov
Some Remarks on the Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov Theorem
in the Context of Classical Mirror Symmetry

March 23  

Dimitar P. Guelev
Semantics and Reasoning in Basic Epistemic Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL)

 with Perfect Recall and Strategy Contexts

March 2  

Mariana Durcheva, Technical University, Sofia
Public Key Cryptosystem Based on Endomorphism Semirings
of a Finite Semilattice of a Special Type

February 24  

Mikołaj Podlaszewski, University of Luxembourg
Argumentation as a Non-monotonic Logic Formalism in Analyzing Market Irrationality


February 17  

Ivan Trendafilov, Technical University, Sofia
On the Structure of the Endomorphism Semiring of a Finite Chain

Abstract in Bulgarian

February 10, 11:30 am
IMI Meeting Hall, floor 2

Ivo Michailov, Shumen University
Galois Cohomology and Realizability of p-Groups as Galois Groups

DSc Thesis Public Defence, Follow this link for further information

January 20  

Peter Dalakov, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
A brief overview of the non-abelian Hodge theorem. Holomorphic Darboux coordinates near the uniformising Higgs bundle

January 6  

Tatiana Gateva-Ivanova
Quadratic Algebras, Yang-Baxter Equation and Artin-Schelter Regularity


Meetings in 2011

Seminar contact person: Vesselin Drensky, e-mail:

Latest update: July 14, 2012.

    Department of Algebra and Logic | IMI | BAS    

Page maintained by Dimitar P. Guelev.