Key and Invited Lecturers

4th International Conference on
Numerical Methods and Applications: NMA'98
August 19 - 23, 1998, Sofia, BULGARIA

The National Assembly

List of key and invited lecturers, who accepted invitation of the Org.Committee:

O.Axelsson (The Netherlands)
J.H.Bramble (USA)
B.N.Chetverushkin (Russia)
R.E.Ewing (USA)
R.P.Fedorenko (Russia)
S.K.Godunov (Russia)
M.Griebel (Germany)
P.Hemker (The Netherlands)
U.Jaekel (Germany)
Z.Kamont (Poland)
S.P.Kurdyumov (Russia)
Yu.A.Kuznetsov (USA/Russia)
R.Lazarov (USA/Bulgaria)
H.Niederreiter (Austria)
L.Perkins (USA)
B.Philippe (France)
Yu.P.Popov (Russia)
I.V.Puzynin (Russia)
S.Rjasanow (Germany)
A.A.Samarskii (Russia)
M.Schaefer (Germany)
V.Thomee (Sweden)
P.N.Vabishchevich (Russia)
H.A.van der Vorst (The Netherlands)
W.Wendland (Germany)
M.F.Wheeler (USA)
J.R.Whiteman (UK)
L.Xanthis (UK)
Z.Zlatev (Denmark)

Program and Organizing Committes || Key and Invited Lecturers
Conference Topics, Organized Minisymposia || Conference Presentations, Call for Papers
Registration Fees and Accommodation || Deadlines
Conference Mailing Address || Online Registration

Main Conference page || Second Announcement